Chapter 1915

"Take him down! If anything happens to Seth, I want that brat and the woman next to him to die!" Eliam commanded coldly.

As a seasoned martial artist and the leader of his family, he was through enough to know that Leon would not kill Seth as Seth was his only leverage at the moment.

"I guess I can't run from this fight, after all!’ Leon’s expression darkened and knew that he would have to fight.

He rolled his wrist and the Cuff of Doom appeared in his hand once again.

He did not know the extent of Eliam's power, but through his earlier duels with the Fourth and Fifth Elder, he could guess that Eliam was likely in the Peak Emperor State as well, and all the other Golans would be in levels below that.

was one strike in the Intermediate Almighty State left in the Cuff of Doom and it would be more than sufficient to fight off Eliam

the fact that Leon was outnumbered and a single attack might not take down every single one


as a battle was about to break out, a

car raced toward them and stopped right before

opened and Roanne

you? Why are you here in our house?” Eliam and the other Golans were slightly stunned

and this is our lady, Miss Roanne

"What? The Thompsons?"

were all

that Elegante Group

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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