Chapter 1978

"Angus, I have a plan. We Hughes and the rest of your men can stall them as best as we can, while you escape with President Wolf!" seeing that the Hiltons unleashed their attack, Alan quickly came up with the best plan he could think of.

Although the Hiltons were at a significant advantage, they were not too far off; they had a total of six Almighty Warriors combined, and it would not be difficult to stall the Hiltons for a few minutes.

The Hiltons' main target was Leon, and as long as Angus could help him escape, their problems would be solved!

"Yes, will do!" Angus quickly agreed, knowing that this was their best bet. Then, he signaled for Sixth-Uncle Thompson and the rest of his warriors to join Alan's forces, while he leaped to Leon's side.

"Mister Wolf, the Hiltons are far too powerful, and we can't hold them off for too long. I'll help you escape while we can, " Angus explained as he reached out to grab hold of Leon, but Leon turned him down. "No, I can't escape just like this, Mister Thompson! Besides, there's no need for that anyway!" he said, shaking his head.

for him, this was the Scammells' territory after all, and he had plenty of people who were

anger onto someone else, and choose to attack

could abandon

last secret weapon with him, and he was certain that the

not at all intimidated by

the odds were stacked severely against him, the only chance Leon stood of surviving

poured all his energy into stalling Devon and Ronaldo as best as he could, while the rest of the troops were trying their best to

was infuriated

can! If you wait for any moment longer, it will be too late!" Alan snapped rather indignantly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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