Chapter 2202

Just as the Dragon Guards were about to take off, a bright voice echoed in the air and Leon strode in.

"That won’t be necessary’’

"Leon?" Alfred was surprised to see Leon there.

He gathered several Dragon Guards but did not summon Leon.

"Mister Glasbey." Leon bowed respectfully before Alfred.

"Leon, why are you here?" Alfred asked in confusion.

to report back to you and save you all from

the Scarlet Thief along with

as Leon left where Chandler used to live, he ordered Mason to take Chandler back to the mansion where Henry and Sherlyn lived, before driving over to the Dragon Corps with the Scarlet Thief's corpse to report the latest development to Alfred so that the Dragon Guards would not have to

Corps some contribution points when he obtained the Nine Suns Flower, so he rushed over to trade the Scarlet Thiefs body with



Jaws dropped around Leon.

"Who's this kid?"


I hearing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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