Chapter 13 How-about-a-deal-brother

How about a deal, brother? Some weeks later, Jeff was getting ready for the Entrance exam. He has never been so serious in his life as he is now. His grandfather has been so good to him and Jeff being the grateful type, promised to do well.

And thus, it was the exam day.

The day came and went. And for the first time since he left the Hemsworth family, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

While waiting for the results, he met with Liam to discuss the basketball tournament. Jeff is aware that passing this entrance exam does not ensure

him a spot at All Stars University; be I rather, it only determines certain things.

He still needs to get ready for the All Stars University entrance exam after the exam results are released.

Success is not easy," Jeff whispered to himself as he sipped from the water bottle Liam had offered.

University is not the best school in Starry; there are some better schools. Some schools are not even far from

attend All Stars University continued to elude Liam. He has witnessed his

hi He has never witnessed Jeff give a stellar performance—it has always been

I will dogreat," "All right! Okay!" Liam didn't want to discourage him again. "Now, let us discuss your reason for being here. A week from now is the tournament, and the exam follows one week after the entrance results are announced. How

I have been practicing for a while. It is good that ‘my body is in good condition." "'Wait!You

remember the day he began training for his sport of choice. It was the day, the old woman told him he didn't belong to the Hemsworth

out of

time and even though he was [Fe by their words, he didn't shed a single tear, Little Jeff did not go back; all he wanted was for

way, to see a group of

of curiosity and met the man who would use

to transform his life.

I got into basketball," When Jeff looked up after finishing his story, he saw Liam attempting to contain his

his tears, Liam

"Stop crying, itis cringy." His lips parted into a tiny

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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