Chapter 185
“When we start a family, we will only ever have a boy. We won’t have any more children no matter how desperately we want to have more. I- I can’t give you more than one. I don’t even know if I could give you one in the first place…”
He swallowed down the lump in his throat and tightens his arms around me,
“And if we have a child…our child… Our beautiful, beautiful child will bear my bloodline’s curse. He will lose a part of him. Physical or sense… the Goddess will take from him. And when he’s ten, his mark will show and people will talk of how he’s an abomination. He won’t have an easy life. So if you change your mind about this- us, I won’t blame you. I’ll understand. I just-”
He cuts himself off,
“I love you so much, doll. Everything I am is yours. If you don’t want me anymore,”
He pulls away and for the first time I see it.
Unbridled fear in those beautiful greys. The vulnerability in his eyes breaks my heart into two. He licks his lips, eyes dropping to the ground as he forces his lips to thin.
“If you don’t want me anymore, I won’t hold you back. I can’t and won’t ever do that to you.”
I was stunned into silence.
This man who was known to be ruthless and unmerciful was breaking apart in front of me.
No facade of strength and power. He was allowing himself to crumble. So I smile, shaking my head gently before taking his hands in mine. I pull them from around my waist and lead them to my lips. Kissing his wrists as he does mine, I can’t help but smile into his skin,
“One child, you say?”
Raizel draws his brows together in confusion. There’s an abundance of anxiety beneath them but theres a shimmer of hope under all of it.
“That’s not good. He’ll be spoiled with affection.”

I muse.
Slow, but surely, a smile inches across his face and I melt. Goddess he was so gorgeous. Raizel drops his head onto my shoulder and laughs in relief,
“Yes, he’ll be smothered with kisses from his grandparents.’
At this, I let out a laugh.
“Oh Goddess! Meredith won’t put him down.”
Raizel nods but doesn’t lift his head from my shoulder. I let my hands tangle in his messy curls from his bed hair and run my fingers through them.
“My father and Williams will take him hunting every season.”
“Elizabeth will teach him how to play the piano.”
“Emerson and West will help him build a tree house.”
“Isaac and Noah will try to intervene.”
“My mother will abuse the camera with just about everything he’ll do.”
I purse my lips, playfully tapping the tip of my chin with my free hand.
“And I’ll teach him how to grow flowers in my garden.”
The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary
Chapter 185
Raizel lifts his head to look at me, loving how I didn’t stop playing with his hair. He raises a brow, soft, gentle look in his expression as he asks,
“You have a garden?”
I hum absentmindedly.
“Not yet… but I’m planning on having one.”
Raizel smiles at me, kissing my bare neck before nuzzling into the crook of it.
“You’ll have to allow me to help you. I’ll carry the heavy stuff.”
“And if I refuse?”
There’s a glint in his eyes when he smirks at me.
“I have a few ways to convince you otherwise.”
And without another word, he leans forward to press his lips against mine. He sighs out.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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