Chapter 77

Hearing that, Samuel froze in shock! ‘There has been a transfer of Arc de Triumph’s shares! ‘Amounting to 20 billion! ‘So Zayn Yeager was speaking the truth when he called just now? ‘All 100 percent of the shares? ‘No way!

Arc de Triumph in one gulp? ‘Not even those on the Orienta’s list of millionaires can buy it all in one night!’ Fear

Samuel was restless. Despite not understanding the other’s intentions, Zayn passed the phone to Philip anyway. “Master Clarke, Mr. Warren wishes to speak to you.” Philip took the phone and from the other end

other person was trying to say. Sure, there were a few companies he owned, but even all of them together were worth 100 million or so only. Moreover, those companies were flourishing right now. Having received a Series A angel round of 20 million, they were planning to invest in the US market and receive a Series B investment of 100 million! As much as these were opportunities to Samuel Warren, they had also become his life force. After all, these companies could be his path to the Forbes list! There was no way he would sell them. “That’s a funny joke, Mr. Clarke. Those companies of mine are merely little assets. I’m sure they’re too insignificant for you to consider.” Samuel chuckled dryly. “Very well, then. Though from what I remember, those companies of yours are close to declaring bankruptcy, aren’t they? If my memory serves me right, you’ve just received a Series A angel round right? And now you’re planning for a Series B worth 100 million? What a shame it would be should they end up bankrupt.” Philip said calmly with a smile. In his other hand was his own phone detailed with everything George had sent over concerning Samuel Warren. From the moment he was born to his work experiences to the companies under his name and how they were fending, everything was there, written clearly in black and white. Samuel shivered and his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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