Chapter 221

Yolanda and Sadie quickly walked over to the pink Porsche. The closer she got, the more shocked Yolanda became. That person looked too much like Philip even if it was just his side profile. He was also chatting and smoking with a tall, muscular man. “Philip?” Yolanda called out. The other party looked over. When he saw that it was Yolanda, he was taken aback. He asked, “Didn’t you leave already?” Philip felt helpless. He did not expect to run into Yolanda when he was smoking with Tiger. Yolanda’s eyes wandered around. She stared at Philip before gluing her eyes on Tiger. This car must definitely belong to this man. Could Philip be the owner of this Porsche? Impossible! Even a battery-operated bike would be too good for a man like this. Yolanda grabbed Sadie’s arm in the first instant and started to flirt with Tiger. “Hey hot stuff, is this car yours?” Tiger looked at Yolanda and Sadie in confusion. These two women looked gorgeous, and their bodies were amazing as well. He wanted to say no, but before Tiger could say anything, Philip said, “Yes.” When Yolanda heard that, she beamed.

However, she stared at Philip and said in agitation, “Who are you to be so nosey? What are you looking at? Hurry up and get lost.” Yolanda was being unreasonable and was acting from mercenary considerations. Philip knew this very well. He touched his nose helplessly and said, “I’m smoking. I’ll go away in a bit.” Yolanda rolled her eyes at him before proceeding to ask Tiger a lot of questions. She looked extremely passionate. Tiger was puzzled. If Philip said it was his car, then it was his car. “Hey, Tiger, do you know Philip?” Yolanda and Sadie were grabbing Tiger’s arms from both sides. They peered at Philip curiously. Tiger smiled timidly and said,

each other.

more of Philip. This guy was doing a good job of hiding his true identity. “Hey, let’s go,” Philip took a drag of his cigarette and said to Tiger. Then, he opened the door of the backseat to climb in. Yolanda started to panic. She ran forward and pulled Philip out.

you think you’re all that because you have some performance shares in

decided to make the passenger seat of this Porsche hers tonight. She also wanted to post pictures of the car to her WeChat moment to show off! Philip touched his nose and looked

so hard that Yolanda even spun a few times on the spot. Her ears started buzzing as well. “Shut up! You’re asking for death!” Tiger roared ferociously. Yolanda was shocked and terrified. She grabbed onto Sadie and wailed, “Tiger, why did you hit me?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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