Chapter 201

Sabrina’s POV:

“Do you like it?” Caldan asked, his eyes peeking at me from under his long lashes.

I nodded, pressing my lips tightly together. Dear heavens this is the most delicious cake I’ve ever had in my life. The flavors are like an explosion on my tongue, and it’s taking a lot of my self control not to moan in delight.

Don’t do that Sabrina, that’s weird.

But the whole day has been weird. Caldan asked me to dinner as opposed to the usual evening walk we took. I was shocked, really. But I didn’t say no. He took me to the rose garden rooftop which I had learned earlier belonged to lady Nifra, “She doesn’t know we’re here,” Caldan had whispered to me. “As long as we don’t hurt her precious roses, we’ll be fine.”

I made a mental note to not even harm a single leaf on the roses. They looked lovely, and in the evening sun they looked even lovelier. There was a table laid out with mouthwatering dishes that made me realize how hungry I was. Everything tasted divine.

But nothing compared to the dessert.

“It’s good,” I said once I had composed myself enough to speak. It’s really good, whoever made this deserves to


Caldan chuckled, his head dipped low. “That’s because the royal chef made it.”

My eyes went wide. “What?! The royal….for me?”

“Yes, for you,” He said with a smile. “You said you liked chocolate!

“I said that only once, and it was a mere passing remark. You remembered it?”

be the royal

He nodded, picking up his wineglass and taking a delicate sip of the red liquid. “I can tell when things are said as a joke and when they aren’t.

Calm down my heart. Calm down. It’s not a big deal that he remembered, you remember small details too.

I looked at the plate of half eaten chocolate cake, and my stomach twisted. Did I deserve this? A dessert made by the royal


“Rina Caldan called. “I know what you’re thinking right now, and all want to say is yes,”

I looked at him and smiled. “How do you know what I’m thinking?”

“You’re thinking about how amazing the cake is, and you want a second serving.”

I laughed softly. I do want seconds, yes. So I’d say you’re right on the money.”

I ate more of the cake. It’s so good I could cry.

“Don’t you want some wine? Caldan asked,

“No. I can’t risk getting drunk”

I’m a terrible drunk. Memories from the last time alcohol touched my lips flashed through my mind and I shuddered. I had banished those memories to the deepest darkest part of my mind, and with them I had learned to never taste alcohol again.



현복 73%

22:03 Tue, Nov 5

Chapter 20

“Tell me, did you have a good day today? Caldan asked, sipping more of his wine.

“You don’t like cake?” I asked, noticing he hadn’t touched his except for a very tiny bite.

for you.” He said and


the blush on my cheeks. Damn him and his silver coated tongue. So smooth, and for what?

of you,” I said. “I should…”


approaching us. She was fuming, her brows pressed down together a she stormed over to us. she paused at our table and glowered

Nifra: 4–said.

She said curtly and turned to

her head to him, her glare increasing in intensity. “Come on Nifra Caldan said. “Rina and I are busy

grabbed his hand and threw it off her. “You and I are going to talk about this,

sent for Rina.”

had turned to acid, it’s lingering taste on my tongue became sour. What the actually fuck?! What does he want from me again?! Why?! Why can’t he just

at Caldan. His expression had turned Stony as he stared at Nifra, his eyes took on a darker shade of blue like the sky before a bad storm. I guess even he cannot flaunt

to me. “Thank you, for the wonderful dinner.

said and smiled. “Ill

smiled too. “Goodnight.”

she had a

garden,” I said, trying to start a conversation with

over her shoulder.

his majesty want from

don’t know You’ll find

enough” She said.

That doesn’t mean anything

doesn’t fit the aesthetis



Nov 5

Chapter 20


gone down by the time lady Nifra took me to his majesty. My jaw went slack the more I followed! around my surroundings it was like I was in a different land. I had no idea how huge his wing was, but one thing was for sure -Everything was pure luxury. She took me deeper and deeper, and we passed massive hallways with the walls adorned with paintings and intricate carvings, huge crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings bathing everything in sight in a warm golden hue. The air smelled of a blend of rare spices and exotic

cleaned this place. I felt sorry for whoever it was.

to the gardens, his Majesty’s

of blue, purple and dark red, but this garden was filled with

in the center of the garden was his

with his back turned to us, his eyes gazing at the cherry blossom tree beyond the garden, or maybe at the sky, I wasn’t sure. I always knew he was a huge man, but somehow I didn’t expect him to be this

and bowed. She forced me to bow too, which I thought was pointless because he can’t

scoff. “Your Majesty,” I greeted,

leave now.” He

me a stern look that screamed “behave.” Then she turned and left.

here. They smell different. Girly, and sweet. like soft vanilla and a hint of

is he doing in

even care?

have finished it and taken a second plate. Who knows when next I’ll have such a treat Should I pluck a rose form here? They’re so

you a

him, he

red. “Nifra has informed ine that you

fuck does he


go carousing with sir Caldan. And as for my duties, I finish them

back to the tree, or

not get to leave their duties behind and go for whatever it is you believe you’re doing with Caldan

the harm




Tue, Nov 5 G0

Chapter 20

stopped flowing

like even the flowers stopped giving their sweet perfume. The air felt charged, stagnant, even the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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