Chapter 154

Sophie’s pov

“Guests?” Aiden asked tightly, his jaw popping.

Sergio suddenly rises to his feet, looking over at where Margo disappeared off to.

“Yes guests. Did I not mention it yesterday?” Sergio chuckled while fixing his tie and tilted his head. “Forgive me grandson, must have slipped my mind.” He apologized.

It was very evident that Sergio was not sorry at all and that he had planned to surprise Aiden and me.

I can feel the knots in my belly worsen.

“What guests Sergio? Who have you invited?” Aiden asked, his face mirroring the vexation he currently felt.

Sergio face showcased a smirk that didn’t sit well with me. But instead of answering Aiden’s question, he only pushed out his hand and pointed at Margo who was coming back over here.

But behind her is a familiar man, tall and brooding. When he nears and shifts slightly is when I realize Lillian Muralo is a couple feet away from the tall brooding man.

“Aiden?” I voiced out in confusion, my hand gripping his.

“We can leave-

“Now now Aiden, that would be rude to our guests. Christopher hasn’t seen you in a while. And Lillian just got

here, stay a few and let’s catch up. Besides, don’t forget what we discussed yesterday.” Sergio snorted, walking over to Lil- lian and Christopher Muralo.

Í looked over at Aiden, confused more than ever. “What you two discussed?”

Aiden shakes his head, squeezing my hand reassuringly. “It’s nothing, don’t worry.”

I was not reassured.

was making more and more sense why Aiden had agreed to have lunch

him with something and

curious with what.

tone I did not think he

grinned brightly as he shook hands with Ser- gio and patted his back. He then turned to

the grin he once

and threw his arms over the back of

me and his brows knot

made chicken casserole and some stewed pork. I know you

give Sergio the

voice made

sweet girl. And please call me Sergio, you’re not a stranger.” Sergio answered, the crow lines by his eyes deepening

as he chuckled. “A girl who cooks. You’d make a perfect housewife. Who wouldn’t

in my veins as


her with your fist,” Aiden whispered in my ear as

mine, squeezing my fisted hand on

think I much rather my woman with little knowledge on the cooking part. This way I can teach her myself

Lillian chirped, her gaze

an- noyed grunt. His

nod. “Lillian,”

smile nearly blind me by how happy she was when Aiden acknowledge her. It fueled

have a seat,” Sergio urged while planting. himself back in

Aiden’s while Christopher sat mirroring mine. He had yet to move his curi- ous eyes off me which tickled my nerves. I shifted uneasily, trying to stay

Christopher questioned, a grin curling on his mouth as he tilted his

gasped as Aiden suddenly pulls my chair closer to him,

shift in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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