Chapter 351


“What is going on here?”

Vicky and Yara had just returned indoors as well, and they hurried upstairs upon seeing the chaos up there.

Jan turned to Vicky right then and said, “Ms. Turnbull, your friend was insulting Flying Sword Sect and vandalized my family’s antiques. I tried to stop him, and he attacked me in return- I’m afraid you’re going to have to do something about this.‘

“What?!” Vicky exclaimed in surprise and quickly turned toward Frank.

Having been around him for so long, she knew Frank well enough to not take Jan’s words at face value.

“What happened here, Frank?” Vicky asked.

Frank was folding his arms before his chest as he said evenly, “He demanded for the Earthen Dragonheart. I refused, so he tried to attack me. Why wouldn’t I hit him?”

Everyone was left trading glances at that, unsure who to believe with the contradicting testimonies.

and frowned at Jan. “Was that what happened,

virtually an empire–why would we want some measly herb? And why isn’t he answering the question of why

father is the chief of Flying Sword Sect. They could have easily taken it from Frank if they wanted to. Frank is definitely the one who tried to attack Mr.

Don’t jump to conclusions

in disappointment. “You should stop

to Vicky right then. “So, what are you going to do about this, Ms.

“I’ll pay for the

we’re talking about–it’s worth

me? Those trinkets are worth a billion?!” Vicky pursed

knew that Jan would definitely inflate the damage, but

my father spent on those antiques. Pay up,


was especially short on cash since

new company.

would not let this slide if she did

Chapter 351

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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