Getting himself a chair and sitting down, Hux continued, "See, I came into this life to seek position and money, not to satisfy some mindless gratification. I'm no longer a greenhorn like you—I'm done staking my life for anything, and that's how I reached where I am now.

"These days, if there's something I want, I'd use this," he said, tapping his head before holding up and brandishing a knuckle, "instead of this. So, are you interested, kid?"

"Sounds intriguing..." Frank rubbed his chin, while thinking to himself that Morhen's mobsters certainly were different from Riverton's—they could at least see the big picture.

"In that case, I'll be frank." He chuckled. "I sent those students away because I didn't want to be distracted, but because I'm ready to clean the house. But since what you offered intrigued me, I changed my mind."

The hint of murderous intent in his smile left Hux stiffening, and his heart skipped a beat while cursing under his breath.

Still, he knew he was lucky not to push Frank's buttons given how much of a greenhorn he was.


"So, that means you're joining my gang? Good, at least you

don't care about joining your gang. I'm just interested in the

What are you talking about?" Hux was

Frank said quietly. "And being unfamiliar with the place, I would need some assistance—the Sunblazers

left stunned. "Wait, you're saying you want to be

said, I'm not interested in joining your gang." Frank smiled, shaking his head before pointing at Hux. "But you're an interested party,

"You're saying."

dawned on Hux, Frank finished, "I'll help you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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