The God of War Chapter 45

Davon’s face was pale, and he was extremely nervous.

Thoughts flashed through his mind one after another.

A few days ago, Jorge seemed to have hinted that he wanted to change the situation in Ocean City, and he actually doubted his strength…

Davon’s legs went weak when he thought of this.

“Rosefinch said that you are a talent.”

Jorge waved his hand and said softly, “Malone Group is a big business. I know that there are some businesses that you should not do. You have to be decisive when clearing the bad guys in the company. As for that kitten, you don’t have to worry about it.”


Davon immediately bowed. Looking at Jorge’s back, he relaxed.

His shirt had long been soaked by cold sweat! Although Jorge did not make it clear, Davon knew in his heart that Jorge had come to Ocean City this time not only to reconcile with Roselyn but had other purposes.


Within the Malone Group, those who were involved in illegal business would probably be in a miserable state!

Late at night.

The Malone Group, in a private room.

The lights in the room were dim. Davon turned his back to his assistant and said in a low voice, “Listen up. Hurry up and cease the illegal business and donate all the money to charities to build schools and nursing houses for Ocean City!”

asked, “Sir, we’ve been doing this for so many years, and we haven’t heard any bad news. There’s no need to be so cautious,

such a hot potato in the future! I was wrong at


in fear and trepidation

to be a storm in

same time, in the Grand

beautiful model in his arms, and a lackey was reporting

selling his

Even legal businesses like nightclub and karaoke

that Davon is short of money. He has to sell the businesses to

model, his

But he groveled in front

probably give the money to

be afraid! I heard that Blood Tiger is a citizen of Winland. It won’t cost his life to kill! Although Davon has been successful in the past two

is going to be drained this time! He has

Ocean City were in chaos. Many people were waiting to see Davon make a fool of himself. Back then, when he crippled Leopard, he was so awesome. Now, he had to admit defeat! Not only does he have to

of the small leaders who had been bullied by Davon prepared to trample

opportunity, and they naturally wanted to swallow Davon’s business in one fell swoop so that Davon would never be able to rise in his

sold out. He will probably come

flattered. They had been waiting

comes, you must kill

course! I want both the

had stayed in the provincial capital for a few years, so he knew more than

opinion, Davon had lost. Losing 60 million was

to sell his underworld business. Once that happened, Davon would have

he thought of this. Since he dared to cripple his younger brother, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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