The God of War Chapter 49

“It’s better to count on yourselves than to beg others!”

Jeffery narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, “Inform all the middle-level managers and above that I will hold a board meeting. This time, I must kick that bitch Roselyn out!”

The construction site, in the factory.

Roselyn followed the person in charge of the construction team for a tour. After checking the interior of the factory, she nodded approvingly.

The construction was finished half a month earlier than she had expected and it saved her a lot of money. The factory was having its final renovations. The machines for production had been delivered. Everything was smooth.

“I’ve been nervous for so long. This is the first time I feel so relaxed.”

Roselyn let out a long sigh of relief. In the past few months, she had been worried about the project.

“The first time you relaxed? Did someone make things difficult for you in the past? Tell me their names, and I’ll settle the scores with them.”

Jorge looked at Roselyn and joked.

Roselyn snorted lightly, but her heart was full of warmth. Just as she was about to say something, the phone in her pocket rang! The caller ID showed that it was the Organization department! “Roselyn, there is an emergency meeting. The meeting starts at nine o’clock. Everyone must attend.”

The caller said and hung up.

to Albert’s words, her level was too low and she was not qualified to attend the meeting. She had never been

hear the contents of the call. His

going to make a fool of Roselyn in front of the

memory, he would teach him an unforgettable lesson this

saying anything more, Jorge got into the car with Roselyn. He quickly turned around

conference room on

on the head seat, and the executives

dared to be late for

and I’ve told

a big project and is so cocky!” fast

keep our voices down. Davon is Roselyn’s protector. If our

full of ridicule, and they hated Roselyn very

the senior executive who mocked Roselyn. He was driven out of

you, shut

rubbed his temples and said, “Don’t offend Roselyn!

in her hands and I have to be so good to

this to the old man. He is on our side. Therefore, the purpose

knew that Kaleb did not like Roselyn’s family very much, and it was for the

angered the old man, it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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