The God of War Chapter 81


The moment Jorge made his move, Jeffery, who was lying on the ground in the living room, gushed out a large amount of blood. “Jorge, he, he is my second brother!”

‘My father-in-law’s second brother…’

Jorge’s fist had almost landed on Edward’s face. He suddenly turned his fist into a palm and slapped on Edward.

Edward didn’t even dodge. The right side of his face instantly turned purple. He rolled several times and fell heavily to the ground.

With a scream, he spat out several bloody teeth! “Jorge…”

Aleena, Roselyn, and Jeffery, who had fallen to the ground, were all stunned.

very good at fighting, but

the provincial capital. He had made a name for himself in the provincial capital with a pair of iron-like

was unable

There were several teeth missing from his mouth. He spoke with an

did not give him a chance to continue.

brother?” Jorge stepped forward and stared coldly into Edward’s eyes. He said coldly, “You

finished speaking, Jorge took a step forward and raised

right arm and right leg were directly crushed

bone spurs with blood pierced through his

his whole body shaking

The pain was great.

countless bones. It was only now that he knew that compared

Jorge was ruthless!

far from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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