The God of War Chapter 98

“Country D… Jorge!”

On the other side of the line, the operator’s expression suddenly changed!

Since half a year ago, the lord had ordered that if someone claimed to be Jorge from Country D, they must tell the lord immediately. This was the lord’s order. It was of great importance! “Mr. Green, I will let him speak right away!”

The operator’s heart trembled, and she did not dare delay for half a second. She hurriedly turned the line to the lord’s office.


In the office, the lord of Ocean City, Arthur, sat on a luxurious rotating chair. He looked at the latest news he had just received with an extremely excited expression.

The underground forces of Ocean City are all integrated, and the underground world was going to disappear! “The Lord of War God is amazing!”

Arthur heaved a long sigh of relief after reading the news. fast update

It felt so comfortable!

Ever since the Lord of War God came to Ocean City, he had used Sean, the commander of the Ocean Department. But as the lord of Ocean City, Arthur had never visited the Lord of War God.

didn’t want to. He didn’t

the summon of the Lord of War God, he wouldn’t have the qualifications to

the once chaotic problem! It was a great favor to Arthur. It would be



the phone

the calls out before handing them to the secretary office of the lord. There was no need to trouble the lord! “They transferred

moment, and his

Lord of War

could directly reach him! Back then, when the Lord of War God returned from Country D to Ocean City, he personally told Arthur that Arthur had to cooperate and kept his identity a

became. He quickly answered the phone, “I am Arthur. If you

held his phone and smiled. “Hello, Mr. Caston. I would like to report something. The Food and Drug Administration has just sent

before and then softly said, “This matter concerns the livelihood of more than 8,000 employees. I hope you can verify if our group really needs to be

that, without waiting for Arthur to respond, he hung up the

Arthur’s expression completely changed!


the phone. His face was filled with rage. “Get the car ready! Go to the New-Easton

Wilson White? Wilson is risking his neck. Don’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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