The God of War Chapter 100

As soon as James finished speaking, David staggered and he directly knelt on the ground, wailing, “Mr. Cater, it has nothing to do with me. Mr. White made me do it!”

David was good at screening for emotional clues, or he wouldn’t have been promoted to this position.

David completely understood the situation. Arthur was clearly here to support Roselyn. Evidence was not important at all.

What was more, Wilson did not have any evidence! “No evidence…”

Roselyn sat there and was stunned for a moment and then smiled miserably. “It turns out that the New-Easton Group has not violated the rules. I thought that … Mr. White is behind this. What should we do? Is there anybody else who will aim at us in the future? It concerns the livelihood of more than 8,000 employees. I almost decided to stop production just now!”

“Bastard, bastard!”

Arthur was enraged!

Arthur was a gentleman but he cursed at the moment. “What’s his name? fast updateOh, David! Dismiss him, set up a task force, investigate it thoroughly, and report it to me!”

Arthur continued, “As for Wilson, investigate him thoroughly as well! You need to see if he has abused his power for personal gain or accepted bribes! You need to investigate from the moment he started his work.”

James sweated a lot. He nodded after hearing Arthur’s words.

want a strict investigation! Wilson and David, neither of them can escape!


“Yes, sir…”


trembling. His face turned pale,

still muttering, “It has nothing to do with me. It

say anything at present! Behind Arthur, a few law enforcement officers who had come

bowed to Arthur and

and he had to immediately investigate

“Ms. Easton!”

Arthur calmed down a little. He turned to look at Roselyn and said in a soft voice, “I am

Roselyn was shocked.

felt it was

New-Easton Group. It was his duty. However, he was too

glanced at Jorge and bit

if it was because

Jorge seem to have more and

the director’s office of the Food and

“Oh, it’s comfortable!”

the wine. He leaned against the chair and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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