The God of War Chapter 127

Ten minutes passed quickly.

Zoey was still yelling at Jorge, asking him to drive the car away quickly. There were also several female relatives who were flattering Zoey. They were on Zoey’s side, chattering away.

“You are Roselyn’s husband? Jorge?”

Arturo couldn’t help but say coldly, “You’re in my way. What do you want? How about I call my dad?”

Speaking of his father, Alex, those relatives around suddenly became silent.

The Flynns knew that Alex was someone with power. Although he was the son-in-law of the Flynn family, he had the final say in all the matters and had connections with many rich people in the city.

If Arturo did call him, Jorge would definitely be in big trouble!

At this moment, an extremely rapid whistle sounded continuously at the entrance.

The two trucks of the 4S store stopped outside. The young female shop fast updateassistant followed them. When she saw Jorge in the crowd from afar, she immediately ran over and said respectfully. “Mr. Green, your car is here!”

a look too?” she

his arms and opened the back door of the Porsche. He smiled at Albert and Aleena. “Dad, Mom, your car

at each other and walked out of the back seat of

hiding in

was stunned for a moment and then laughed with anger. “Well, look at you. Are you afraid that I will ask you for money? Everyone in the family knows that

say a word as they followed behind Jorge and Roselyn to the

came over with curiosity. The Porsche in the two cars

“Open it!”

this is a gift for you. I hope you like

and Mrs.

female clerk quickly handed the car keys and two gifts, safe boxes, to Albert and Aleena. At the same time, the driver and

Everyone was shocked.

one car was black and the other was red. The two cars were like high-tech products

car lights, reflective mirrors, tires, and tail wings… Every detail of the cars was impeccable. It adopted

phones to take photos crazily. They were so excited

super-luxury car worth more than ten million! Who has

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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