The God of War Chapter 143

“Rose finch!”

Leaving the group building, Jorge drove the red Porsche to the eastern suburbs of Ocean City. He held the steering wheel with one hand and quickly clicked on the control screen with his right hand. The Rose finch Master was on the air.

“The target is Callum Trevino, the former market planning manager of the New-Easton Group. Immediately locate him!”

About three minutes later, Rose finch reported nervously, “Lord, our tracking satellite has found Callum now escaped to Chicago, the United States. But we do not have an extradition treaty with the United States!”

‘An extradition treaty? Is it necessary?’

“Novoland fighter jet takes off. We will meet in the eastern suburbs of Ocean City in ten minutes. Head to the United States.”

Jorge replied without hesitation. His voice was firm, “Even if Callum were to flee to the ends of the earth, I would personally bring him back to justice!”


At the base of Novoland Army in Country D, Rosefinch felt a chill in his heart and he got excited.

‘In order to capture Callum, Lord was furious this time!’

‘Ever since Lord announced that he had retreated, there were too many people who had forgotten the majesty of “the Lord of War God”. This capture operation will remind those villains of the fear of being dominated!


Rose finch charged out of the building and shouted.

Meet Lord there


in the United States across


of the United States, a young observer stared at the satellite monitor screen nervously, “Our territory has been invaded illegally. The enemy is very fast and is about to reach the sky above the


to the front of the monitor screen with an electronic cane. He looked at a bright red dot

States are all used by the world’s top technology. They are equipped with anti-gravity engines with very strong power. Their extreme flying speed can reach four times the speed of sound. They

that appeared on the monitor screen exceeded the speed of

fighter jet in the world that can reach this speed…”

quickly. His face suddenly turned pale. “It’s him, the War God of the Daclustein, the

course, it was

thousand meters high in the sky, there was a shuttle-shaped fighter jet with a blizzard pattern. The wings were engraved with the shining golden


armor. He looked at the flashing call application on the screen and bowed to ask, “It’s a communication request from the United States. Do you want to

to what he wants to

faint electric

satellite communication. The white-haired old man, the second person in the United States military, Wilton

“Mr. Green!”

Hexagon Building, the military command hall, staring at Jorge on the screen, gnashing his teeth. “Don’t think that just because you are the world’s strongest war god, you can recklessly push the boundaries of the

territory illegally. This is an insult to the United States. Are you trying to

was calm and his voice

‘What else?’

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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