The God of War Chapter 229

Case didn’t dare to disobey! He trembled as he took out his phone.

He made a call and said with a trembling voice, “Mr. Stafford, something bad happened at the pharmaceutical factory! Someone found out that our wastewater treatment equipment is not up to standard. And now he is here to get justice for Easton Village. He says that he will destroy the Stafford family if he doesn’t get what he wants!”

The man on the other side of the line stayed silent for seconds and sneered, “Somebody is going to mess with the Stafford family for such a small matter of wastewater treatment?

“If that’s what he wants … Well, I’m willing to have some fun!”

The next second, the phone was hung up directly.

Jorge was still seizing Case by his throat.

Case forced a smile and said, “Mister, I’ve already made the call. Can you put me down first?”

Jorge snorted and released his hand. Then, he stood beside Edward and waited silently.

About half an hour later.

A private helicopter slowly flew over with a rumbling noise and landed in front of the Stafford Pharmaceutical Factory.

helicopter. He first looked at Case, snorted, and then looked

Porsche not far away and sneered, “Well,

and said with pride, “You’d better not overrate yourself. You are just a nobody to

“Since you are here, don’t talk nonsense.

to solve it? I know all that you want


and each returned with two suitcases. They opened the suitcases and

to solve the problem.”

good-for-nothings in the village are sick, aren’t they? Then take the money to treat them! I don’t want to

his hand and waved it

threw the money in the

fell from the air and enveloped Jorge and Skyler like pouring

man called Mr. Stafford

cannot take my money away so easily. Boy, if you want to get the compensation, then you have to kneel on the

moment, the bills were

“Money is good.”

eyes was still calm

obviously, you belong to the

finished his sentence, Jorge waved his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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