The God of War Chapter 250

There were not many types of exclusive fighter jets of War God Temple.

In the Daclustein Kingdom, the military was equipped with Jet-5 and Jet-6. Only the most elite fighters were equipped with Jet-6. Fighters of War God Temple were all equipped with the most advanced Jet-6. Those fighter jets were painted with blizzards or red dragons, representing different designations.

Mr. Green’s personal fighter jet was equipped with a blizzard, symbolizing the harsh environment of Country D! “You recognize the fighter jet of War God Temple. You’ve got a good eye.”

The eagle winged fighter jet was less than a hundred meters above the ground. Jorge leaped up and landed slowly in front of Broderick. Then, Jorge shook his head gently. “Well, now that I’m here, the end will not change. The Stafford family will fall!

“Young man, you’re too arrogant.”

Broderick sneered, looking more confident.

Broderick might have been a little scared if some other forces were here against the Stafford family. However, Jorge was from War God Temple and fast updatethings would become interesting. Elport Province was one of the four northern provinces, and War God Temple’s base was in the north! Broderick’s expression softened as he glanced at Jorge carefully before laughing. “You’re the supreme Lord of War God, in charge of four Grand War Masters, nine Grand War Kings, and one hundred and eight generals. You’re of great power. Am I right?”


Jorge nodded gently, smiling.

guarded to all but the King of Country D … Even the other major legions in the kingdom only knew a little about it and

you must have heard of the

of the five great families in the kingdom, established the Fire Legion at the behest of the King of Country

Jorge smiled.

at the northern border and asked War God Temple for help many times. As its ally, War God Temple naturally gave the Fire Legion a hand and

tag was put on the favor, it would be the equivalent of buying a medium-sized country! “The deputy commander of the Fire Legion’s second war zone, Emmett Reilly, known as the Bravest War

his head proudly, threatening. “Young man, now that you know about the relationship between the Stafford family and the Bravest War King, are you still

know when to stop! As long as you are willing to make peace, I will not make it difficult for you or hold you accountable

up to you?” Jorge shook his head and smiled. He looked into Broderick’s eyes

my mind, you’re gonna need at least a big

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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