The God of War Chapter 253

The phrase representing the engine of the country and enjoying the respect of people in all small counties was not a joke, but the truth.

The War God Temple overwhelmed every corner of the world. Whenever it was, there was admiration and respect. With such an organization, no one dared to attack the country! As for the Lord, Jorge, he had won many extraordinary battles, an achievement great enough to put in history books!

His existence was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even among people enjoying high status in the Daclustein Kingdom, only a few knew his real name! “Mr. Sebastian, what are you talking about?”

At that moment, Broderick noticed that something was wrong. He carefully moved to the side of Fernando and probed, “Are you asking for his name? He is Jorge Green, the man retiring from the War God Temple. He is now the son-in-law of the Easton family.”

Jorge Green!

Fernando’s body swayed, and the last trace of a smile on his face completely disappeared. His body that was enveloped under his black armor could not help but tremble slightly.

It was him! Fernando was right!

He was Jorge, a name that could impress the world, the Lord of War God, an invincible man leading one hundred thousand elites. He had four Grand War Masters and nine Grand War Kings. “Oh, no!”

Now Jorge finally turned his head and said with a faint smile on his face, “Fernando. Am I right?”

Fernando looked at Jorge’s face and laughed bitterly in his heart. He no longer suspected it.

right. The young man standing in front of him was Jorge, who had saved the Fire Legion several times. Besides, Jorge had defeated eight nations in the northern region. He had a

opened his mouth, about to call Jorge “Lord”, but then he closed it.

I had known that it was you, I wouldn’t have dared

two Grand War Masters in the Fire Legion, Fernando was powerful, his martial art only secondary to the War King of Fire, the head of the Fire Legion. On the whole,

he still bent down in front of Jorge and humbly said to

“Mr. Sebastian…”

trembled. He quickly sheathed his alloy saber and walked to Fernando’s side. His throat dried up.

Fernando’s expression changed.


not able to know the Lord’s identity now? How dare you call him by his name? Do you want to die? Don’t drag me down!’

shouted angrily and cupped his hands again, very lowly. “Mr. Green, Emmett was born to be

roared, “What are you doing? Hurry

but not saying sorry! In the Fire Legion, the two sentences had completely different meanings. One just needed to bend down, bow his head, say sorry, and toast the receiver when he was making

different. He had to half-kneel in

status. However, he had never seen Jorge’s face. Although he hesitated for a while, he still did not

got down on one


what the fault was! “You

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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