The God of War Chapter 266

‘The six villas were sold?’

Emily, the forewoman, was stunned for a few seconds. After she came to her senses, she pointed at the contracts in Maria’s hand and hesitated. “But… Mr. Watson, Maria has just sold the villas, too. And the guest has just paid the money in one go…”

“What?” Tony, the manager, raised his eyebrows suddenly. He stepped forward and took the contracts. He glanced at them casually, then tore them apart, and threw them on the ground. He ordered, “Return the money to him and print the contracts again. Cancel the deal!”

Emily did not dare to delay and quickly ran to the printer.

“Don’t be in such a hurry.”

Jorge held Roselyn’s hand and took a step forward. He stopped Emily and turned to look at Tony, saying indifferently, “The contracts will take effect once they are signed. If you decide to break the contracts, you have to compensate according to the terms. Cancel the deal? Are you sure?”

Tony had an apologetic expression on his face, but his tone was unfriendly. He chuckled and said, “Sir, since you can take out more than seven fast updatehundred million and buy all the villas, you must not be a common person.

the buyer I contacted is very famous in Ocean City and no one dares to offend him. I tore the contracts for your own good, and I

any attention to Jorge and Roselyn. He turned around and walked toward

offending that buyer, but aren’t you

City, I dare to provoke anyone. I must buy these six villas today, and

buy”. He suddenly turned around and sneered at Jorge, “Sir, did you not hear what I said just now?

to. And it’s not up to you either! If you know what’s good for

finished speaking, he waved his hand at Maria and

She regretted that her service attitude was not good and she offended Jorge

the commission and bonus. Therefore, she thought, ‘I don’t have to be afraid of the two

to settle the withdrawal procedures. She returned all the money Jorge had just paid for the villas. Then she walked back to Jorge and Roselyn, her face full of

leave. If you don’t

Jorge smiled.

good for her at all. “You’re still laughing? Or do you think you’re a big shot in Ocean City? Don’t think you’re powerful just because you have some

hand and shouted to the security guards in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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