The God of War Chapter 270

“Lilyana, calm down!”

In the suite, Dale Samuel, the man with glasses, wrapped Lilyana’s trembling body with a quilt. His eyes were red and his voice was low. “Be quiet. Mr. Joseph is right next door.”

Lilyana trembled and she didn’t even dare to cry.

“From the day you became an artist, you should have known that this kind of thing was destined to be unavoidable.”

Dale squatted down and looked at the tears on Lilyana’s face. His face was full of helplessness. “If it was any other investor or producer, I could think of a way to save you. But the Joseph family…”

The Joseph family in Middle River City was too ruthless!

Middle River City was located at the intersection between the two rivers, and it was truly an international metropolis.

And the Joseph family was one of the top wealthy families in Middle River City, and their influence was deeply rooted. It could even be traced back to 200 years ago.

Even the Governor of Middle River City had to show respect to the Joseph family, let alone a small star. “If I have to sell my body in exchange for the resources in the entertainment industry, then … I’d rather quit my career!”

Lilyana bit her lips and tears welled up in her eyes. “Dale, you are my agent. I have always treated you as my brother. Please save me. I don’t want to be defiled by Sheldon. He is a beast!”

Dale remained silent for a long time. Finally, he sighed and said in a low voice, “Just now, when you were called over by Sheldon, I knew it would be like this, so I kept thinking of ways…”

that, he walked over and pushed open the door. He carefully looked at the situation in the corridor before closing the

for people to get sleepy. When

“Runaway to Ocean City!

the Joseph family’s force can not reach. You can only escape to Ocean City to avoid the claws of the Joseph family!”

Ocean City…

in the direction of Ocean City. A glimmer of hope flashed

‘Dale is a good person and

I’ll go to

In Ocean City.

bought six villas at once. We have to

and Kaleb’s wheelchairs respectively. “Although it’s for safety, it’s more than seven hundred million. The

look at each other and

seven hundred million was not a huge sum of money. Just the net profit of Immortal Serum was far more than three billion

industry was really profitable. The Immortal Serum was sold

into the villa at any time. Jorge has arranged it

bedroom with Jorge, her pretty face was slightly flushed. “They moved their things, and we moved ours. We

most of them were directly transported by second-hand furniture shop owners. Only the small electrical appliances that they were not willing to throw away needed to be transported by the

touched by outsiders.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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