The God of War Chapter 275

The moment Jorge finished speaking, Lilyana’s delicate body shook slightly, and she was absent-minded for a moment.

Becoming the New-Easton Group’s spokesperson meant no need to worry about her safety…

That was right.

Dale once said that Ocean City’s underground forces had been completely unified, and even the Joseph family would find it difficult to infiltrate. Albert and Roselyn from the New-Easton Group were not ordinary people in Ocean City!

Although Jorge’s promise was a little exaggerated, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with staying in Ocean City! “Ms. Easton, Mr. Green…”

Lilyana hesitated for a long time and finally no longer hid it. She said in a sobbing voice, “I didn’t break the law. I was forced to do it. Just last night, Sheldon, the third youngest son of the Joseph family in Middle River City, called me to his presidential suite…”

After telling them what did Sheldon do, she sobbed. “If it was someone else, my boss of the entertainment company could think of a way to settle it for me, but the Joseph family… We can’t afford to offend them!”

The third youngest son of the Joseph family in Middle River City? They had never heard of such a man!

Jorge smiled and said in a low voice, “Since that’s the case, Miss Robbins can be completely at ease. My promise will take effect immediately. Even if the third youngest son of the Joseph family has superhuman powers, he can forget about causing trouble in Ocean City!”


Lilyana was skeptical and bit her lips tightly, still a little uncertain.

after running for a day and

Jorge and smiled gently. “A long time ago, I also

definitely guarantee your

go to my company and you can get

she looked at Jorge with a tender expression and said softly, “Jorge, the same place.”

Jorge smiled.

They would help Lilyana wash away the dust on the road and

“Let’s go!”

Porsche and led Roselyn and

the entire

other side, more than six hundred kilometers away from Ocean City, the Joseph’s villa in Middle

hand, and the smart big

the third youngest son of the Joseph family, Sheldon had been spoiled since he

countless female stars. He even taped some of them for him to savor later. The female stars could only

Sheldon thought, “Bitch, how dare you

and rubbed his crotch. He grinned, “Bob, how’s the investigation going? That bitch

“Mr. Joseph!”

meters tall, nicknamed “Bob”, bowed to Sheldon and said respectfully, “I found a private detective agency and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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