The God of War Chapter 300

Louie ran away.

He ran away with more than twenty lackeys and six foreign female models. They hurriedly got into the SUV without daring to say anything. They rushed to the Central Hospital in City Y.

About four hours later.

Painful screams could still be heard.

Louie was covered in bandages and wore a thick windbreaker. He could not help but gasp as he limped out of the hospital.

“Mr. Evans!”

Next to him, a few of his lackeys were also wrapped in bandages. Although they had undergone wound-cleaning operations, they still grimaced in pain, and their eyes were filled with madness. “City Y is our territory. We can’t just let this go. We have to take revenge!”

Louie gritted his teeth, causing the wound on his face to twitch. He didn’t even dare to bite his teeth!

“I will do everything to take revenge.”

He got into the SUV next to him and looked at the Sunshine Beach far away. His face seemed indescribably vicious. “Do you know where they are staying? Hurry up and find out! That bastard is powerful, but I don’t believe that he can do anything!”

to investigate the whereabouts of Jorge and the others, while the red-haired young man approached Louie with a sinister expression. “Mr. Evans, our equipment has been robbed. Mr. Hope

ruthlessness as he ordered

find Mr.

At the moment.

Hope family, Austin Hope, sat on the luxurious sofa in the living room with his legs crossed, enjoying the professional massage of the beautiful

“Mr. Hope!”

miserable cry came from the living

and tears. He wailed at Austin, “Our magazine


and a hint of

of the third generation in the Hope family. What was more, he was the only heir of the

other voices in the Hope Group. He was the young master of the Hope family, but he still had to do

to convince them. In this case, he would not allow anyone to destroy

has ever dared to go against me! Louie, tell me, who is so bold? If

seemed to squeeze out from between his teeth. “The person who hit me is surnamed Green. He is the head

your men, Mr. Hope. Since he dares to hit me,

pupils shrank and then he went

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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