The God of War Chapter 324

“All of my negative news has disappeared?”

Early the next morning, Lilyana sat in the restaurant on the first floor of the Longman Hotel.

Lilyana held her phone and looked at the increasingly heated posts on the Internet. She was surprised. “It just happened in one night! That’s really unbelievable.”

Beside her, Dale was also shocked and almost couldn’t believe what he had just seen! Lilyana was notorious last night as everyone seemed to want to deny Lilyana with all their strength. However, things had changed drastically now. The whole Internet was now unbelievably speaking for Lilyana.

The positive attention and reputation returned to Lilium on an even larger scale. Jorge smiled at Lilyana, “Are you relieved now?”

Opposite Lilyana and Dale, Jorge smiled and whispered, “Miss Robbins, no one will hurt you maliciously in the future. You can do as you wish, and develop in the show business at ease.”


Lilyana’s pretty face was full of bitterness. After being in the show business for so many years, she had been used to intrigues and had long been physically and mentally exhausted. Moreover, she and Dale had already left Midgard Entertainment and parted ways with Elliot because of this adverse incident.

There was no team, makeup artist, or assistant. There was not even a management company! How could there be any development for Lilyana?

“I know what you are worried about.”

Jorge shook his head slowly and smiled at Lilyana. “Miss Robbins, would you mind going back to your room and rest? Mr. Samuel, follow me.”

After that, he walked straight to the entrance of the hotel lobby.

Dale hesitated for a moment, waved his hand at Lilyana, and then quickly chased after Jorge.

seemed to be

noise in

the expensive ornaments in the room and roared crazily, “Bastard! Damn it! Lilyana Robbins, it was all your fault!

with. The entire company was supported by Lilyana. Now that Lilyana broke up with the company, the entire

times. Midgard Entertainment, which had a market value of more than two billion yuan,

“Mr. Spencer.”

said, “The Midgard Entertainment is facing a dilemma. You seem to have big trouble. Why don’t you let me help you

by the intruder in

moment, and then he suddenly turned his head and looked at the unexpected guest at the door. Just as he was

It was Dale.

young man was actually Dale! How could this

How dare you come back to

he saw Dale, Elliot flew into a rage and his

a lot of managers under him, but Dale was the most outstanding one. He

empty shell. Elliot even wanted to kill him! Jorge interrupted, “Anger does no good to

his head and smiled at Elliot. “If I were you, I would thank Mr. Samuel and Miss Robbins well. There would

that, he slowly raised two fingers and said softly, “I

couldn’t believe his ears. “One billion? What do you mean by this?”


smile, “From today onwards, Midgard

what he

eyes suddenly widened, and his heart couldn’t help but beat faster. He even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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