Read The Greatest Man Alive By Maveric Bowman Chapter 47 Kneel Down

What Bobby shouted was unmistakable malevolence.

Albert said that he wanted Nathan and the entire Johnson family to be destroyed That was what he wanted to do

“Here, Bobby is here Luisa was startled and almost fell to the floor.

All the relatives of the Johnson family were shivering. They didn’t expect that one day they would offend such a strong family.

This moment was like the end of the world for them!

They couldn’t afford the cost of offending such a powerful family In front of the Ortiz family, they even had no chance to resist.

When they saw Albert and others come in, they even felt that death had descended on the hall.

When they saw Bobby, they felt even more scared. It was Bobby, the man who would ruin their family!

“Ah Mr. Albert Reif said timidly, and his mouth turned pale.

Albert did not even look at him. A small family which could be destroyed in a second. If it wasn’t for the loss of face this time, he

wouldn’t have to ask Bobby to be here! He could do that!

Natalie also said, “Mr. Albert It was all my fault. I can accept all your punishment. Please!”

Albert’s face was filled with disdain, and he said in a cold voice, “I’d like to sleep with you. That was a chance for you. But I didn’t

expect your husband was mad“”

Natalie trembled, and she finally knew why Nathan would stab Albert.

what was the use of all that? Nathan was too

use medicine… It seems that you want

Nathan. His face was

had never suffered such a

was he who bullied people. Those who were

palm, and he was forced to drink the drugged juice which was prepared for Natalie.

dad!” Nathan laughed

hearing this, everyone in the Johnson family almost fainted. At this

expression changed. He snorted,

few young

not dare to resist. They knelt on the ground

Albert prided himself on his power.

shocked. The Johnson family also had a high reputation in Mimar City. But as Bobby’s command, they didn’t even dare to refute, and they

standing, and there was a trace of cold and dissatisfaction in

Are you f*cking going to

them, kneel. Maybe, we will have a chance.”


if I’m satisfied, I will

her teeth and said calmly, “You have the courage to make trouble, and now

tears. In the face of such a powerful family,

not in this weak way.” Nathan shook his head.

laughed, “Are you the j*rk who

think you’re the j*rk ” Nathan frowned and asked in return with displeasure.

Albert was stunned.

time he heard that someone dared to talk to

you will destroy our family.

Bobby. How dare you talk to him like that? You’re just a good–for–nothing

We cannot

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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