Read The Greatest Man Alive By Maveric Bowman Chapter 51 The Consequences

It turned out to be Bobby whom he had met at the Johnson family before.

Bobby looked at Nathan blankly, “Mr. Ortiz had never been so humiliated, and he had never been beaten up so badly.”

Nathan leisurely asked, “So?!”

“So, I’m here to kill you.” Bobby said calmly

Nathan grunted

Bobby continued, “Jade wanted to protect you, and we couldn’t do anything. However, she is gone now, and you have nothing to do

with her. You’re a dead man now.”

“Jade saved your life, but you came back to trouble me again,” Nathan said calmly and shook his head.

Albert and Bobby had to obey Jade’s order when this mighty general came to the Ortiz family to stop their fighting personally.

As for Nathan, he had long thought of killing them once and for all, but he didn’t expect Jade to show up halfway

He could forget about this whole matter, but he didn’t expect Bobby to come and mess with him again.

Bobby sneered and said, “I have seen a lot of arrogant young men, but they’re all dead now. I have never seen someone as arrogant as you!”

Nathan said seriously, “Since Jade saved your life, you should’ve stayed home and never come at me again.

“Otherwise, you will die…”

“I mean it.”

said, Bobby couldn’t help but burst out laughing wildly. “I have to say,

his body and moved a foot forward, making a pose of Beast Fists.

Fists well. Your pose is so poor. How

don’t have the right to judge me!” Bobby got

age. Otherwise, everyone can become

I will crush your bones and let you die in pain and

told the truth?” Nathan

and rushed toward Nathan. Then, he threw a heavy punch

his head and took a step

shouted angrily. He took another step forward to change his pose and

and suddenly punched to block Bobby’s fists.

put his right fist next to his waist, then suddenly threw

Punch?!” Bobby

down to block Nathan’s fist, but it was too late.

passed through Bobby’s hand and hit


a crisp sound as if a knife had cut through a

clothes twisted instantly

face flushed. Blood came out of his mouth


the ground and fell

You are so young…” Bobby muttered, his breath

didn’t depend on

punch hit Bobby’s lower abdomen and instantly shattered all his

Bobby, so he could only fall

solved the matter… D*mn it. If Jade didn’t come over, this would have ended

sound asleep, but he suddenly felt a chill. He woke up instantly and saw someone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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