Read The Greatest Man Alive By Maveric Bowman Chapter 71 Call at Grace’s House

Natalie was immediately brought to Grace’s residence by Nathan

Outside the door stood a bodyguard hired by Grace.

“Nathan, can’t you stop being so impulsive? Be more sensible! You pull me here without her permission What if she doesn’t want to see us?” Natalie asked with a bit of annoyance She didn’t come to her senses until this time

“It’s her business that she doesn’t want to see us Why can’t we go see her?” Nathan looked at Natalie in surprise and said

Natalie couldn’t help being helpless She felt she and Nathan couldn’t understand each other’s logic

When the bodyguard saw the two approaching, his expression suddenly became serious, and he said, “Stop! Who are you?”

“I’m Natalie I came here to apologize to Miss Cole,” said Natalie aggrievedly, biting her lower lip

The bodyguard sneered, “You are the Natalie who offended Miss Cole yesterday? I’m sorry Miss Cole said she wouldn’t see you

unless you are tied and kneel in front of her door”

Natalie looked embarrassed and didn’t know how to respond.

Nathan stepped forward and said, “Excuse me, we are here to find Grace to solve the matter. I think she can’t bear the consequences

if she avoids seeing us now.”

The bodyguard’s face was stern, and he sneered, “Are you kidding me?”

“Miss Cole has already imposed sanctions on the Johnson Group, and you are the ones who suffer! What consequences can there


“What’s more, Miss Cole has already put it clear that you must kneel if you want to see her! Don’t you understand?”

Natalie said, “Sir, it will be an accommodation if you can let us in.”

The bodyguard shook his head and said, “No, I’ll go to report when you kneel! Also, don’t try to relate to me. You’re not qualified.”

“You are just a bodyguard. What qualifies you to be arrogant?” Nathan couldn’t help laughing.

want to see her, you have to kneel. Do people like you guys deserve my respect? You two no–good, kneel or not? If you don’t kneel,


smile, “Do you know what it feels like to rub your head

indifferent and said, “I used to be an elite in a special company and the top ten

experience this feeling, I will help you.”

fight, Natalie couldn’t help but anxiously

could finish her words,

roared, “You’re courting death!”

touch him, the bodyguard’s body moved and was

standard military grapple.

The tall and burly


was smashed into the ground hard,

cried in pain, “How dare you be presumptuous in front of Miss

for Miss Cole? It was the president of the Negino Commerce, Negino


making it suddenly open wide.

go! Why are you still standing there? Not solve the problem? Turning

her head But at this point, she had no choice but to

was putting on makeup, trying to cover up

yesterday was not light

courage You came to see me. Not only did you not kneel, but you kicked my gate!” Grace stood up


appeared on Natalie’s face, and she said, “Miss Cole, if enmity is not settled amicably, there is no end to it. Please,

willing to

“Forgive you?”

of my gate for three

you a chance to sit down with me and have a talk”

request. How dare

be kind to you?”

attitude was aggressive

said bitterly. “We were once classmates, after all. To you, it’s just a matter of


because I feel sick when I think about

sneered Grace.

Natalie’s shoulder and said, “Alright. Natalie, no need to waste your time talking with such scum. Even if you kneel for three

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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