Chapter 104 Semideath Punch

Franklyn couldn’t help smiling when he saw Nathan appeared on the stage.

“It seems that there are few masters in Mimar City. And the Hopp family really doesn’t have many friends.” Franklyn sald thoughtfully.

Nathan said nothing and took out both hands from his pockets, hanging casually by his side. He didn’t look like a master at all.

Everyone couldn’t help shaking their heads, thinking that Nathan would be beaten to death by Franklyn soon.

Everyone in the Hopp family couldn’t help but tense up, especially Gerard and Carl. They felt that Nathan would have a chance to create a miracle.

The two had seen Nathan’s methods. After Nathan took the initiative to appear on the stage, they didn’t feel that he was looking for death, but that he had a chance to win, although the chance was not great.

“I’ll give you a chance to give up. I can consider showing mercy.” Franklyn sald,

“I’ll give you a chance too. If you survive after my five moves, I’ll accept you as my apprentice.” Nathan said seriously.

As soon as these words came out, the people were immediately shocked.

“What nonsense are you talking about? Five moves? I think he couldn’t survive Franklyn’s three moves!”

“Yeah, Adrain lost to Franklyn in three moves. What kind of person is he, let Franklyn survive five moves and accept him as a disciple?”

“Although this sounds very relieving, I have to say, it is also very stupid! It is ridiculous to say it from such a person.”

Everyone shook their heads one after another, thinking that Nathan had a problem talking like that to the powerful Franklyn.

Franklyn couldn’t help being stunned for a while. Then his expression became gloomy. He said coldly, “Don’t go too far!”

looked at him blankly and asked, “Will you fight or

two games in a row, so I’m exhausted. Then you have an opportunity to take advantage of it?” Franklyn laughed

see that you have been saving your energy.” Nathan said

expect you are clever! But since you insist on courting

Franklyn’s body bent

spine trembled, his body undulated slightly, very agile, not


as if stepping

him a little uncomfortable. So he wasn’t going

an instant, Franklyn had already come in front of Nathan, with his body turned slightly, he raised his

abdomen hard.

stretched out. His whole body

moment Nathan moved out this footwork, and said in a

sprinted to the right, stomped three steps in a row, caught up with Nathan, swung his right hand, protected his


midline of his body, pulled it up, and spread

happened to block

strong!” Franklyn was strong and his fist

bursting out of the ground as if it was going to blow his whole body into the

standing up, he stepped straight between Nathan’s legs, swung his right hip, and

at all. His palm suddenly

the same time, his knee hit

The inner thigh, which was supposed to be the softest, was as tough as steel at the moment. The

coming from Nathan’s body. He was

in Cloud Grasp but also had strong muscles which is

the first few years when Nathan was in Devendill Prison, he didn’t have the title of Mr. Nathan. He was thrown by his father to

him. So they had to

soon as Franklyn’s arm was hit by Nathan’s palm, he immediately felt the pain. And he couldn’t get rid of Nathan’s


he felt different when he was

his hands. A flash of inspiration flashed in his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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