Chapter 125 Robbery

The man sitting on the sofa was Nick Hanks, the owner of Fenham Property. After seeing Nathan, he slowly put his legs off the


“I am the boss of Fenham Property. My name is Nick Hanks. You may have heard of my name.” Nick said lightly and flicked his cigarette.

Nathan had never heard of this name before, so he shook his head and said, “What’s the matter?”

Nick said, “Our investigation shows that your recently established company purchased the land of Murcol.”

Nathan said indifferently, “So what?”

Nick smiled and said, “Well, we were the first to take a fancy to this land, but I didn’t expect you to buy it.”

Then, he clapped his hands.

Several men in black carried the suitcase and stepped forward. And then, they opened the suitcase and started to pour its


Countless banknotes fell to the ground and piled up like a hill.

Hannah was stunned. Even though Ranchy Group was worth hundreds of millions, it was the first time she saw such an

amount of cash.

“There are 50 million here. I won’t make it difficult for you, and I want to use 50 million to buy a 100–acre land owned by Poly Capital” Nick smiled while smoking, and he talked as if he was superior.

What did 50 million cash look like? It looked like five thousand bricks piled up together on a construction site..

Anyway, it was very shocking to look at.

call, the land could be sold

to use 50 million to buy 100 acres of

said, “How about it? You accept the 50 million and give me

Fenham Property and ask for help, I’ll also think about

50 million. It’s

meaningfully and asked, “What

suffer. Your company will be doomed.” Nick

soon as possible. I’m trying to be polite instead of crushing your bones.”

my respect by offering 50 million. Otherwise, I

the money immediately and give

guards of Poly Capital look a

if they did offer that 50 million! After a period, this money could only buy

acres of

in cash and wanted to buy 100 acres?

turned cold, and he said,

he wasn’t going to talk to

sofa and burned a hole. Then, he kicked over the coffee table

dare you talk to me like that? Haven’t you learned from the others that I’m not someone you can afford

up and

“I take

then laughed. “You did the right

money as compensation for my company’s

as well as the

such a thing? This sofa is not worth 50 million even if it’s made of

million times because of his attitude when he talked

we can have some fun today! This company is going to need a new decoration plan.”

stared at Nathan unkindly as if

poor. I’ll give you another chance to speak!” Nick stepped closer

conflict. He is not simple. If it gets worse, the company will be in trouble. Let’s see if we can resolve

*ss!” Nathan snorted coldly and pushed Hannah’s hand

chance too. I’ll take your 50 million, and all of you get out of my company right now. Otherwise, I’m afraid you

pointed at Nathan. “Good!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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