Chapter 209 Limited–edition Handbag

Get bank

Nathan wandered around the first floor of the mall and saw several designer clothing shops next to each other. After thinking about it, he chose Chanel.

As soon as he entered the shop, he saw a familiar figure and couldn’t help laughing, “Hi, Gussie!”

“Mr. Evans,” Gussie turned around and was slightly surprised when seeing Nathan.

“What a coincidence!” said Nathan.

Gussie asked in surprise, “Why are you here, Mr. Evans? Are you gonna buy clothes for Natalie? Do you want her back?”

“If you’re going to do that, I think there’s a chance you can get back together with her.”

“I’ll give you some help and speak well for you in front of her.”

Gussie knew Natalie and Nathan had divorced, and she was surprised, “Nathan did so well at the Runmile club, but Natalie divorced him the next day.”

Nathan shook his head and said, “I’m not going to buy clothes for her, but for Hannah.”

The clothes Hannah wore yesterday had been torn to shreds by him. At the moment, she was in his shirt and staying in

Almonube Estate, waiting for him to deliver new clothes.

Gussie was speechless for a while, thinking that Hannah probably played a lot in the divorce of Natalie and Nathan.

Gussie changed the subject, “I forgot to thank you for what happened the day before yesterday.”

“I’ll treat you to dinner if you are free later.”

“If you hadn’t stood up that day, I might have been killed by the horse.”

Gussie looked at Nathan with a sincere smile on her face..

She misunderstood Nathan a lot less now. “He’s a bit lecherous, but no man can get rid of lechery. It’s not a big deal,” she thought to herself.

When it came to cardinal issues of right and wrong, Nathan was rational and argued strongly on just grounds, so Flavia, a member of the Reagan family in Rikkus, suffered big losses.

calmly, “OK, let’s do it tomorrow. We are going to work tomorrow, so you can invite

after work.”

and Gussie suggested a few clothes for

up the bag for me.” Gussie picked out a limited–edition handbag worth more than 16,000 dollars.

teeth and made up her mind to

start, a man and a woman came in from the door, and the woman shouted, “Wait, I’ll

and her body shivered at

have had such a violent reaction to.

psychological problem in her heart. It was not easy for her

a bag exactly like this bag

Limited–edition Handbag


Get Bonus

supposed to have a memorial

she heard that, and she responded coldly,

million dollars, was killed by Nathan with an

it, it hurt.

to make money, but it was hard to

next to Flavia gave Nathan a contemptuous look as if he was looking at an ant and didn’t take Nathan seriously at

didn’t care what others thought of him, and he just said to the clerk Indifferently,

“I’ve told you I would take

help but turn pale and said, “You’ve already had the exact same bag, Flavia. Why are

and said, “It makes me ashamed to use the same bag as

like it? You like a

game consoles when you were


tell you that it’s the same when you grow up. You can’t get anything you like, but I can get them

bastard, you should have known how humble you were. Stop trying to

Gussie badly. For a moment, it reminded Gussie of many things happening in her tragic childhood, and she couldn’t help but

Gussie and felt that she was too cowardly, “She’s always so cold in front of me, but she couldn’t even be a yes–man when

on Gussie because of that. Everyone had a sore subject, and Gussie apparently had

the handsome man beside Flavia spoke with an overwhelmingly arrogant air, “Didn’t you hear

is a distinguished guest who came from Rikkus. I’ll shut you down right away if she

noise and came out. When seeing the handsome gave him a flattering

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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