Chapter 2510

Titus' eyes were slightly red, and there was some blood on his body.

Everyone was in disbelief to see him.

Everyone wondered, 'Wasn’t he checking on Kennedy? Why does he look like he had gotten into a fight?' "Bastard, you're fast! I'll see how far you can run this time!"

Before Sean and the others could say anything, a haughty voice was heard outside the private room.

Four burly bodyguards then burst into the private room.

They glanced across Sean and the others before heading straight for Titus.

When the bodyguards arrived, Titus ran to Sean's side without missing a beat.

"Brother Lennon, help me! That old geezer, Kennedy, asked these guys to catch me!" Titus said.

at him, shook his head, and

in this! This guy has wounded our young master and taken our old master hostage. We must bring

looked at

said coldly, "I'm Aaron Lake from the Lake family's second branch! Kennedy's getting worse. I can't believe he'd go after his own nephew! If he wants to catch my son, ask him

that, the four bodyguards' expressions changed as shock

slowly and walked toward the four

to pay for attacking him,” Sean said coldly,

fist landed on the leader's stomach before the bodyguards


heard a

tall bodyguard was sent flying when the noise

bodyguards at the back were knocked to the ground with their

you chase me? Brother Lennon has my back. Do you have anyone

and kicked the four

standing beside him, Titus was not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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