The Heiress‘ Return & Revenge


Chapter 43 Failing Terribly

Simone’s words shocked everyone on the scene and the viewers watching the livestream.

“Is Simone claiming that she can play any banjo song we request?”

“How is that possible? Is she really that skilled? I find it hard to believe.”

“What gave Simone the confidence to say that?”

“Is Simone overly confident or just arrogant?”

“Let’s choose a song, everyone.”

“You’re right. Since Simone made such a claim, we should fulfill her request.”

The paid trolls quickly discussed and chose a song they believed Simone couldn’t play.

“Play A Soldier’s Armor‘ then.”

Unlike well–known songs like ‘Gallows Pole or The Battle Cry of Freedom. A Soldier’s Armor‘ was at Civil War song with sixteen segments and varying moods throughout, making it quite challenging to play.

Those who didn’t know the song searched for it online.

In the end, the haters, as well as Aaron’s and Leon’s fans, agreed to the choice.

“Great. Play that song

“I’ve heard it before, so I’m curious to hear Simone’s rendition.”

“This song is quite difficult. I wonder if Simone can actually play it.”

Since Simone couldn’t see the comments, Jonah relayed their suggestion. “They want you to play the song called ‘A Soldier’s Armor, okay?”

Simone was familiar with the song, so she replied, “Okay!”

Without wasting any time, she began plucking the banjo’s strings.

atmosphere full of intensity. Finally, it ended with a sad and heart–wrenching melody, creating a stark contrast with the earlier sections. Not only were those present immersed in the atmosphere, but the livestream viewers were also captivated by the performance on

song ended, everyone

“Simone played really well.”

to say that Simone not only played it correctly, but she also perfectly captured the


Chapter 43 Failing Terribly


but I was captivated by it just

is evident from

she was acting, are you feeling

didn’t expect Simone to be genuinely skilled at the banjo. However,

at the banjo, but it doesn’t mean everything

to believe her, let her play a song on the violin, dulcimer, and

guitar? Let

can do it, we’ll admit that she’s skilled

in his eyes as he thought,

instruments, it would prove that their show wasn’t scripted and possibly

“Sure. Let’s go

is so confident. I

the best. I

go with their request.

not her fan, but if she can do it, I don’t

afraid her bluff will

and arrogant, we won’t

and difficult songs. But Simone flawlessly played them all

Simone is very

can my wifey be

so awesome! I love

did it. She played all those songs.

importantly, she played them on different instruments as requested by the haters. I

different instruments to play different songs,


11:02 Tue, 28 Nov

Chapter 43 Failing Terribly

to neutral and

recorded footage from

arts video. It not

Simone was acting according to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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