Chapter 144 He Brought This Upon Himself

Jonah was already aware of what had happened in the lounge.

Now, he looked at Luca with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

It was indeed the right decision to have him replace Leyla..

There would be an entertaining show to watch next, and there would be no shortage of topics.

Luca was puzzled by the director’s gaze. Is there something on my face? And for some reason, his gate seems a bit malicious.

Jonah smiled and greeted the guests. “Welcome everyone to Slovance to participate in this episode of the show. The theme this time is to have fun. Since there’s a total of ten guests, you will be divided into three groups. We’ll provide you with some attraction points, and you will visit these places every day. In other words, you will be bringing the audience to have


Aaron’s eyes lit up. “That’s great.”

work so l

He really didn’t want to to put food on the table.

In the previous episode, he was left with significant trauma when it came to food.

He asked. “Will the production team cover all the expenses for the activities?” As soon as these words came out, most of the guests looked at him as though they were saying. “Why are you so naive?”

Jonah smiled and said, “We’ll give each of you 500 Slovance money as start–up capital. We’ll not let you sleep rough.”

However, it was not enough to eat well, let alone stay in a good hotel and travel around.

“For the next week, how you live and play is entirely up to you.”

Aaron was speechless. He was indeed too naive.

This was the first time Luca participated in this kind of variety show. “What do you mean by up to us? How can 500 sustain us for a week? This is impossible.

The cost of living and purchasing power in Slovance is similar to that in Corynthea.

For him, 500 was not even enough to buy a pair of socks. He wouldn’t even bother to bend down and pick them up if he saw them on the ground.


Chapter 14 He Brought This Upon Himself

Jonah smiled. If you think it’s not enough, then go earn it yourselves and have a good time, 1 Nelieve in your abilities. I’m sure you can have a very fulfilling day every day

Then he asked his assistant to distribute the pictures of the attraction points to the guests.

There was only one attraction point each day–not too many.

The previous episode had a good response, so the production team didn’t come up with any tasks

There won’t be any competition either. They just let the three groups of guests play on their


Leon spoke up. “How do we form the groups?” He was more concerned about this.

Jonah smiled and said. “Let’s form teams freely. One group of four and two groups of three.

soon as he finished speaking. Zac

want to

follow my manager.

that Simone was


artist, and it was easier to work together in the same

two of them glanced

let’s form a group

two of them had a good relationship and had a pleasant time when they

wanted to be in

“Brandon, why don’t you join our group?”

and had a good impression of the two. And

with a smile. “Sure, let’s have fun together, Miss

Zac said with a smile. “That works out perfectly. It’ll be me, Simone, and Harry in one group. Eric, Keira, and Brandon are in another group. The remaining



a group?

Reira nodded. “We have

they had no intention of

didn’t look

couldn’t help but say to Jonah. “Our group has the same members as the previous episode. The audience might get tired of it. I suggest we

just wanted to be in a group with Simone and break up Simone and Zac’s

said, “It’s up to you.

think it’s interesting this way. Anyway, we’ve already formed a close- knit group, so you can do

huddle with wifey as

his pride just to be carried by wifey, but I like

having pride? Having wifey is enough.

Zachy and wifey to

sc*mbag Leon be thinking of being in a group with wifey?”

that’s what

see that his gaze has been on wifey the whole

to be in a

think he can just have

I would rather have wifey paired with Zachy than see her

Let them be

were met with

idol would never

to let Leon be


Brought This Upon Himself

sald, “Then how about I join

were speechless hearing that. They felt as though they

that their

rather accept

just too fake.

wouldn’t have broken up with their idol.

fans surprisingly hoped that their idol and


fans and Simone’s fans were not happy and came out to

unwilling to have Simone’s ex–boyfriend in their group.

“Mr. Foster, the three of us have already formed

at Zac. “It’s not just you in your

pleading in his eyes. “Shouldn’t your consider other people’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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