Chapter 147 Can’t You Be Human for Once?

After leaving the fencing club. Zac’s eyes lit up as he looked at Simone.


“Now, how should we spend this money?” He believed in living in the moment and spending

all would motivate them to make more money.

What was more, Simone could show them how to live it up. He wanted more people to see her kindness and like her.

Simone glanced at the time and suggested, “Let’s book a hotel first. We should be able to check in now. We’ll nap for an hour before having a nice meal.”

She took out a card from her bag that was part of the variety show’s mission.

“There’s a famous five–star hotel somewhere here, and they’re having a fireworks display for their anniversary. The production team wants us to check into the hotel and take a photo with this card during the fireworks show. Let’s book three rooms with a good view of the fireworks display. We’d get to complete the mission and have a place to stay. That’s killing two birds with one stone!”

Zac agreed, saying, “Sounds like a great idea. Indeed, tagging along with you and winning effortlessly feels amazing

Only Zachy has no qualms about free riding

“Enjoying yourself a bit too much. Zachy? I’ve never seen someone sitting around and reaping the benefits of his teammate. I’d like to try it once as well!”

Take me with you, Simone! I would like to experience this as well.”

“Can I tag along?”

“Count me in. There’s nothing like riding on someone else’s wave!”

The fans were joking around in the live chat, feeling overjoyed.

Harry smiled and said, “I’ve never stayed in a five–star hotel before. Take me with you, Simone

He had earned some money when he first debuted, but he quickly offended Luca and was soon suppressed, becoming a poor loser. He had never stayed in a five–star hotel before.

Simone smiled and said, “Alright, I’ll take you guys to a nice one.”

She took out her phone and opened the hotel’s website.




Today happens to be their anniversary celebration, and the rooms early 10.000 dollars, but today, ms were still available.

“Three rooms it is.”

Zac and Harry nodded. ‘Great!‘ Although Harry felt a bit pained by the amount of money, he could tell that Simone and Zac didn’t mind, so he didn’t suggest saving some money and dampening their spirits.

As such. Simone booked three rooms, spending approximately 20,000 dollars.

Then, the three of them took a cab to the hotel.

‘I take back what I said about the money lasting for a week. I was too naive.

Tve never stayed in a five–star hotel before. It would be nice to go and experience it with my beloved

experiencing it through today’s

my first time watching a variety show with guests who earn their own

leeching off

this group is both satisfying

the other two groups do seem quite

no gain.”

them green with

groups of guests. I want to see their reactions after knowing that this group earned so much money

your turn to shine.”

was excited for

Zac did not


147 Can You Be Human for Once


car, ac said. “Simone, send me a screenshot of

what he wanted

indulged him and said. “Sure!”

a screenshot

posted the photos in the group chat.

photo of their

he posted a photo of Simone winning first place in the fencing competition and

posted a screenshot of the hotel’s

20.000 dollars today. It seems like

Let’s help Simone

chat and entered to find the photos and Zac’s


like this? Zac was truly amazing. A show–off like him would definitely hit the other two

it! Harry replied. I’ll do my best to keep up with

other two groups were performing, but their performances

and the other three took turns singing, dancing, and playing musical

ethnic costume prepared by the show’s production team and played the harp, guitar, cello, and saxophone. She even did a contemporary dance routine.

because their performances lacked novelty, they received very few

do the same

were doing

playing instruments and had more exciting and graceful

were quite a few Corynthean fans, but their tips

them sang, danced, and played for over two hours, but they only earned less


Can’t You Be

1600 bucks

earned even less, only making around 300 bucks.

singing and dancing, so they

some water.

they heard

unlocking it, she looked at Eric and said. “I have a

but he soon replied. You

a bit puzzled and asked. “Why

know when you check the group

became even more curious and opened


his face. “Can it get

at the group, nodding in agreement.

since he was a new guest show, he didn’t dare

on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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