Chapter 204 Setting a Trap

Luca was furious as well. If Andrew were in our shoes, he wouldn’t say things like these!

He felt deeply wronged by the accusations when an idea suddenly struck him. Not only could he set a trap for Andrew through this idea, but it could also free him from the current


Wearing a smile, he said, “If you think you can do it, go ahead! Compared to you, I’m not very skilled at taking care of people. There’s only one episode left of this live variety show series. You can take over next time.

I seriously don’t want to suffer any longer. Not only do I have to work hard to earn money,

but Jodie, whom I have specifically offered to look after, also plays tricks on me. Moreover, I have once again offended Simone, my biological sister.

So, what benefits have I gotten by making Titus owe me a favor and agreeing to participate in this variety show? What was I thinking back then?!

If Andrew thinks he’s capable, he should take over next time. I quit!

Instantaneously, Aaron’s eyes lit up. “Andrew, you can swap with me if you want.”

Andrew was speechless, wondering how the conversation turned into them asking him to take their place in the variety show.

He shook his head. “I’m not interested in joining variety shows.”

But Luca said, “I wasn’t interested in participating in variety shows before either, but I came for the sake of taking care of Jo. We can’t take care of Jo, but you can. So, I’ll let

you replace me for the next episode. As for me, I’ll just be a temporary guest for this episode. That’s settled, then. I’ll go find the director tomorrow and discuss this with him.”

“Why are you in such a hurry?” Despite being speechless, he was actually tempted. Luca does have a point. Indeed, I can look after and protect Jo from being bullied if I participate in the live variety


Still, something feels off, judging by how eager Luca and Aaron want me to replace them.

“So now you can show us what you can do. But of course, we have to talk to the director first. Otherwise, someone else might take the spot, and how will you protect Jo then?” Luca


Giving him a suspicious look, Andrew asked, “You’re up to something, aren’t you?”

Upon hearing that, Luca rolled his eyes at him. “What could I possibly be up to? It’s just a


variety show, not a big deal. Didn’t you just blame me for not taking good care of Jo when that was clearly my purpose for joining the variety show? So now, you can show us how well you can look after her.”

At once, Aaron chimed in, “Yeah, Andrew, show us what you can do. We can learn from you in the future.”

that Luca has taken the initiative and asked Andrew to switch with him. Otherwise, I would’ve quit continuing to be a guest

solely for the sake

fans also turned against me. To make things worse, my relationship with Simone became even

Jodie still showed no signs of appreciation after I endured so much hardship and

save me! Maybe I can persuade Titus or Reuben to take my

figured he would come across as melodramatic if he

all, he shared the

nodded at Luca. “Alright. Go and ask the director


leave it to me. I’ll make sure

care of.”

was eager to pass on a burden, Andrew felt that he had ulterior

an issue. “But with Jo injured like this, can she continue

on quickly getting rid of the burden and

time if we stick to the usual schedule,” he said.

his mind. “In that case, I won’t replace you. Jo isn’t going to be

to be safe, Luca suggested, “How about I go and talk to the director? If Jo joins the next episode, then you can replace me. If Jo isn’t joining, you don’t have


out as

I’m not going to subject myself to such thankless

I will also discuss it with the director and request him to find other guests

say, “I’ll also back out

isn’t as innocent and pure as I thought.

feelings very well, he patted his shoulder and said, “Then let’s both back out together.

my head chewed off by Simone in

I don’t go online and read the comments, I can guess that the viewers must have criticized me for my appearance and actions throughout the variety show’s livestreaming.

getting the facts straight,

fans even unfollowed

from participating in this variety show this time. Not only did I receive no

is so d*mn

She’s been feeling so wronged and upset that you guys ignore her. She keeps telling me that she wants to explain things to you

to treat them if they were purely going to

hearing the last few words that escaped


clutched his stomach. “My stomach hurts so much


difficult, let alone having a late–night snack.


I will

go or not, it

and hearing Luca’s voice indeed sounded hoarse, Andrew believed him.

stood up and added, “I’ll go back to the hospital first. I don’t feel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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