Chapter 507 Introverted
If Dalton’s and Wynter’s roles were reversed, Tobias would exercise his brother’s rights and pull Dalton
out of the car.
They weren’t even married yet. How could they do such a thing in the car?
But just now, he saw Wynter pressing down on Dalton. She even tore his shirt and gave Tobias a richly expressive glance.
Tobias now had his thoughts all jumbled up. He needed to think this through properly.
What was Wynter doing? Was she forcing herself on Dalton?
But Dalton would always shoot a cold glare at anyone who dared to touch him. If he wasn’t willing, Wynter
wouldn’t be able to force herself on him.
It was definitely that sly Dalton who seduced Wynter.
But Wynter’s superior demeanor seemed too natural. If word got out, everyone would believe she was the

one who tainted Dalton’s innocence.
Tobias paced back and forth in front of the car door.
Marie, who was standing at the steakhouse’s entrance, glanced back and saw this scene. She wondered why he was sighing and wringing his hands when he was just there to ask the couple to come out of the
Tobias also noticed her gaze and instinctively wanted to protect Wynter.
Wynter must have been infatuated by Dalton’s face. He couldn’t let Marie know that Wynter had forced
herself on Dalton like this.
Just as Tobias wanted to talk to Marie, the car door opened again, revealing Wynter with a healthy flush
to her cheeks.
She looked at Tobias. “Tobias, what did you want to say just now?”
Tobias glanced at Dalton, who was adjusting his coat inside the car, and grunted, “Nothing.”
With that, he pulled Wynter aside and rambled, “Wynter, I can understand if you like his face, but you….”
In Tobias’ eyes, Wynter didn’t seem to like Dalton that much. Tobias couldn’t quite describe the feeling.
However, there was one thing he must tell her. “There are plenty of people in Kingbourne who like him.”
He lowered his voice and continued, “Fortunately, he doesn’t have some cheesy, unrequited love story, but he’s not what you think, either.
“I’m not trying to meddle in your relationship. I’m just saying if you really like him, you can take things slow.
At this moment, Dalton seemed to transform back into a sickly patient again. He coughed lightly and said.
Chapter 507 Introverted
with a smile, “Tobias, I’m actually not a fan of taking things slow. I think Wynter is doing just fine. As you
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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