Chapter 509 Our Uncles Are Coming
Tobias might be mischievous at times, but his unwavering care for his family was undeniable. Mariel understood the immense pain Tobias endured when Wynter was abducted.
Now that both her daughter and son were safely back with her, Marie found herself on the verge of tears.
She never anticipated earning Tobias’ forgiveness so swiftly, especially after the harsh words she had
uttered during her illness.
Marie was never one to be underestimated. After awakening from her prolonged slumber at the hotel, she
realized she didn’t recognize the person she had become.
She was a jobless individual who remained at home all the time while Tobias bore the weight of his guilt
Marie applied to the entertainment company for two reasons: to reconcile with Tobias and to counteract
the negative online comments.

She refused to let her son be criticized and portrayed unfairly.
She wondered why Shane hadn’t intervened in the matter sooner. She was aware Tobias had left home
because of Naomi, claiming he wanted nothing to do with the Quinnells anymore.
But Marie couldn’t fathom why Shane would neglect their son like that.
As she clenched her fists, Marie’s expression darkened with resolve.
Now that Wynter had returned, Marie no longer gave Naomi a second thought, and the Quinnells had no
reason to adopt another daughter.
Nevertheless, Marie felt the need to make amends for Naomi. After all, Naomi did play a role in her recovery… or did she?
As Marie contemplated, some images began to surface in her mind.
Regardless, she could not continue to be sheltered. While the Quinnell family might be in disarray, her own family, the Whitman family, must remain unscathed.
“Tobias, Wynter, come here,” Marie said with a gentle smile, motioning for them to approach.
Wynter and Tobias approached, looking puzzled.
“I’ll be visiting the Whitman family later to see your uncles,” Marie informed them.
“Now?” Tobias exclaimed in surprise.
Married chuckled. “Your upcles haven’t heard the news of Wynter’s return. You know how they feel about your father, so it’s best if I break the news to them.”
“So our uncles are coming, too?” Tobias’ eyes instantly lit up.
Marie ruffled his hair. “Remember to maintain your image, Mr. Celebrity. With your sister back, your uncles
$60 Du Under Are Coming:
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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