Chapter 1410 Not Everything Is Fixed

Yvette had already reached a near–legendary status in Kenton’s eyes. Additionally, there was nothing they Couldn’t invest in with the stock market in such a promising state.

But Kenton hadn’t forgotten about dragging Albert into the mess. “Has the eldest of the Quinnells, that so- called Wolf of Winnow Street, taken the bait?”

“Rest assured, Mr. Wray. We’ve, inflated gold prices artificially. The gold will plummet by the time the market opens on Monday. That Quinnell scion will have nothing left but tears.”

Kenton’s smile widened after reading this message. The Quinnell family would soon be besieged on all sides. He was eager to see how that arrogant Wynter could manage all the chaos.

Meanwhile, Wynter was taking Cyrus on a stroll through the urban village.

The neighbors on all sides were eyeing them. They were aware that they were outsiders, and word had already spread that another “fool” had come to buy land.

With this knowledge, the villagers couldn’t hide their grins. However, they didn’t reveal their true intentions and instead showered them with warmth.

Cyrus also felt the weight of several gazes directed their way, finding it somewhat odd.

village, being so close to the city center should have made outsiders

you get the sense that everyone here seems to

looked at her phone. She was quickly typing a brief instruction on it. “Don’t

“Boss, this isn’t normal. I think someone might be trying to short a few stocks. Are you sure we should continue?

down as she typed back, “You’re

Wynter’s plan meticulously. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand the stock market. In fact, it was quite the contrary. He knew that Wynter had a backup plan in place. The messages she sent

market,” Albert noted with his sharp instinct. “It feels like the strategy I saw

simple yet cunning approach designed to siphon off a large amount of Cascadian currency. In the stock market, such a move was relatively easy

I suspect that when the market opens next week,

mark “This will make people think there’s still hope. That

thinking that maybe it would be better next time. They would regret

1410 Not Everything is


selling it. Each drop in the market meant a


was somber. “There are still many

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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