Chapter 97

“Well, kind of” he replies, laughing louder now, freer. “I mean, I just didn’t let my mind go there before. You were just another guy. A little shrimpy one who I liked hanging out with, and who I worried about sometimes. But..I didn’t think of you that way.”

I narrow my eyes at him, leaning a little closer, inspecting his face for lies. “That’s not how attraction works, Jackson. You can’t just decide to turn it on and off.”

He stares at me stoically for a long moment before his mouth twitches in the start of a



gasp, pointing at his face. “You totally were!” I whisper, thrilled. “You were into the Shrimp! You had a crush on me!”

He laughs, snatching my finger out of the air and wrapping his hand around mine even as he leans closer. “Fine, I thought…I thought you had a nice smile, okay?”

I grin, leaning into him, making him say more.

He groans, sighing and rolling his eyes. “And nice skin and…and pretty eyes. But! I thought you were my mate’s twin, okay? That was my best guess. So, I was just imagining what she looked like, which was probably a lot like…you?” His face twists up now, getting all muddled in the truth.

I laugh with him, leaning back against him, pleased. “Well, I’m glad you didn’t find me totally repulsive.”

“Not totally,” he murmurs, lightly tracing his fingers down my arm and then around my back, settling me cozily against him again. “What about you?” he asks, his voice a little wicked.

“Oh,” I sigh, leaning my head against him. “It was terrible.”

“What?!” He’s laughing now.

“Rafe had to drag me back to the room all the time,” I say, looking up at him, a little embarrassed. “Told me I wasn’t allowed to moon after you in the hallways –”

Emergency calls only> 0 □ &

Chapter 97




Jacks! My stupid wolf always telling me to do ridiculous things, like just leap on you in the hallway when we’d see you between classes, or steal your shirt and hide it

his laughter now and I can’t help it, I join in with him, delighted

serious mate, who sometimes looks like he’s never had a happy day in his life, laughing like that. God, but it does wonders

turns his head back down to me, his eyes shining. “Well, I’m glad I didn’t disappoint. That your wolf,”

I sigh, looking down at his finger and smiling. But then I turn my face back up to his, returning to the question at hand. “Jacks,” I say

sigh and

with his gaze, and I worry that I’ve said too much, or the wrong

It’s just…I have been taught, all my life, to keep it a secret. So, it takes a little bit of unlearning, you know? To muster up the

and press myself against him, hoping to communicate my support, my genuine interest,

you were a girl when we first met, really,” he murmurs, smirking a little, “or else I’d


calls only NOOD &

Chapter 97



wanting to be serious, but his own smile brings mine forward. “I know,” I whisper, nodding.

releasing it. “I thought my heart was going to pound through

laughing. “Daphne is

whale, or a unicorn or something. Even if you know it’s nice you still don’t know what to

to you?” I squeak, pleased to death.

nearly as mythical,” he murmurs. To me, at

tilting my head and wrapping a hand in the fabric of his shirt, possessive, “if it

and he looks away for a second. “Well, no, he murmurs and I gasp a little at the drama of it all. “I knew…I knew one girl.

on my lips, but they all fall away

tell you about her okay? Just…not right now.

shirt. I find that I do not like, at all, the idea of this

him move on from it, because I’m….honestly not sure I want to know. At least, as he says, not right now.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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