Chapter 0316

Rafe immediately goes into Prince–mode, continuing to pat Gran on the back while looking up at Luca and quietly mouthing “who is this?”

Luca sighs and gestures towards her. “Rafe, this is my Gran,” he says. “She’s…a big fan.”

“Oh,” Rafe says, his eyebrows going up, because of course we’ve heard a lot about Luca’s

Gran at the Academy. “Oh, with the cake!” he says, laughing a little. And then, I think to everyone’s shock, he puts his hands on Gran’s shoulders and presses her away just a tiny bit. Surprised, Gran opens her eyes and looks up into his face.

And then, in what sounds like perfect Itablio, Rafe says, per la torta. Lo amaro.”


Gran gives a loud shout of joy and then starts to cry harder, pulling Rafe close again and tucking her face away against his stomach, crying hard into his shirt.

“Oh my god,” Linda says, hastily putting down the iced tea and reaching for her. “Mom, please

“No, it’s okay,” Rafe says, holding out a hand towards Linda and giving her his best Princely smile. His other hand softly strokes Gran’s back in a comforting way. “It’s fine. This… happens sometimes.”

And Linda laughs and rolls her eyes but gives a shrug, like he asked for it. Gran continues to cry softly, starting to pull herself together, as Luca looks awkwardly between all of us, and then over to his uncle.

sigh, holding a hand out towards his coach. “This is my uncle and my coach, Bruce

are, and Luca

the confirmation I need.

take a step away from him, staring at the guilt in the lines of his posture, the sorrow. And then I turn

I say, slowly, softly. “You

he says, crossing

holds my gaze, his mothin, determined line. “Yes, miss Ariel,‘ his arms as he leans back against a sideboard, at once casual and defensive. “Yes, I did it. I


to push her away when she’s still overwhelmed. But this just makes space for Jesse to shine.

Jesse growls, stepping forward loom over Bruce, who is an inch or two shorter than him. Bruce doesn’t flinch away, instead simply.looking at Jesse with a steady frown. “You had absolutely no right

back, glaring at Jesse,

the profits when to him.”

Luca’s name


sadness in my eyes. Because I’m starting to put it together now- that Bruce did this

reaping all the benefits,

he sell it for? I whisper, directly

eyes to me, his

I command.

a bidding war, he says, his voice echoing in my mind as Jesse and Bruce start to go at it, shouting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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