Chapter 0619

Luca and Daphne make appreciative noises as I explain, as fast as I can, Faiza's plan for me over the next few weeks. That I'm supposed to take time practicing how to control the way I am perceived in a room of strangers. Not only how to draw all attention to me in a room, but also how to disappear and become someone unnoticeable - a maid, a member of the serving staff. How to play it sexy and lure people away into corners, or how to play it so stupid that people think I don't understand what they're saying. Just to...become whoever I need to be to get my job done.

"Why on earth does she want you to do this?" Luca asks, frowning at me and then at all of the stuff. "Why this, when the war is coming to such a...crux?"

My voice is a little softer now, some of the excitement leaving it. Because this is something that Faiza and I discussed quite seriously and at some length. "Faiza thinks that I'm more useful as a spy than on the battlefield," she says quietly. "Neumann and she have been giving me good reports. She thinks it's more likely that I'll be... behind enemy lines, rather than on them."

"Whoa," Daphne says, her eyes going wide. Next to her, Luca goes rigid at the idea.

"I know," I say, my shoulders curling in a bit under the weight of the responsibility. "She's taught me a lot about how to do things unseen - how to pick pockets and locks, how to slip something into someone's drink - but in order to do that stuff...I've got to get into the room in the first place. Which sometimes means...not being Ariel Sinclair. Or Ari Clark. I've got to learn to become...other people too. Or at the very least, other versions of myself." "Holy crap," Luca whispers, staring at me curiously. "That small task."

to encompass all the stuff Faiza left in Daphne's room. "This is all on loan, by the way, but she wants me to practice being...comfortable in other people's skin. Adopting new identities, making it convincing." "Other people's skin and their hair, apparently," Luca murmurs, lifting a shaggy brown

laugh and snatch the wig from his hand, returning

me with interest. "I would idea how to do any of that." "Yeah, me neither," I say with a little sigh, shrugging my shoulders. "That's why she wants me to go practice out

I say, grinning and reaching out a hand to rest on his forearm. "You're

long wig of

onto my head. That done, I sit up quite prim and proper, and press


laughing, giving me a shove. "That

high-fashion ambitions, and I like to dress my princess friends

hug, murmuring my apologies and that I don't mean any of it.

"As cute as you are as a redhead...what... what on earth are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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