Chapter 0628

"Oh hey, Tony," I say, beaming at him and resisting the urge to laugh my ass off at his slack jaw, his unblinking stare. "Nice to see you! Did you just come out for a drink or," I look around, but don't see anyone with him, "are you out on a date?" "Whaaaat weird-ass alternate dimension did I fall into?" Tony whispers, running a hand through his hair just as his face bursts into a grin.

"The best kind," I say, grinning at him in return, wrinkling my nose. I jump a little as the bartender places the two beers in front of me and names his price.

"You can put them on my tab," Tony says, raising his chin towards the bartender, who nods and walks away.

"Aw, thanks, Tony," I say, genuinely touched. "That was nice."

"Seriously, Ari," he says, stepping closer to me and looking around, anxious. "What the hell are you doing here? This isn't the sort of place where -"

"Daphne, let's" Luca strides over, his voice tight and anxious, but his whole demeanor shifts when he realizes that it's Tony I'm standing next to and not some stranger. "Oh," he says, scowling a little and looking Tony up and down. "It's you."

"In the flesh," Tony says cheerfully, giving Luca a wide, slightly wicked grin. "Nice to see you, man." Luca doesn't return the sentiment.

whisper eagerly to my mate, pleased as hell. "Mission

a sip of the other, grimacing as I taste it. not my favorite. "You're like..." but then he stops and shakes his head. "No, I don't

hand on my shoulder and attempting to turn me away. "Maybe the less you know the

than I get!" Tony calls, laughing a bit and giving me a wave as I follow Luca away. I give Tony a pout over my shoulder and mouth "sorry," nodding to Luca, but my friend just gives me a wink and waves me off, letting me know that he's not bothered by our

feel like our cover's already blown," Luca murmurs, anxious, looking around. "Maybe we

laughing a bit and shaking my head. "It was a success! Didn't you hear me - he actually thought I was

shaking his head as we

say, sitting down on one of the stools and waving a hand at him. "What?" Luca

others like we're arguing. I'm supposed to be really dumb! Which means you can't be hovering

"where I can

correct, raising

just rolls his eyes. "They're

corner," I say, flashing my eyes at him, a little angry. "It's eight feet away

away. I settle my shoulders primly for a second, pleased that he agreed, but then

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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