Chapter 0772 Roger nods once and the four of us fall into a line, moving out towards the front to join the fight.

"Here's the deal," Roger murmurs, glancing down at me from my right. "Cora's got a storm coming in from behind the Atalaxian front that should do a great deal of work towards distracting them. Plus, they won't be able to get many aircraft off the ground with what she's got brewing."

"Oh," I say, my eyebrows going up as I consider that that is, indeed, going to be help. I think the stars again that I have a powerful weather goddess as an aunt.

"What we need from you," Roger continues, shifting his eyes to the wide front of Atalaxian forces before us. "Is to take out as much of this as you can. We've managed to enter after the battle has already started, so hopefully no one has taken note of one transport truck delivering four soldiers."

"But considering that they always seem to have eyes on us," Rafe murmurs, also glancing at me, "who knows. So, we need to move fast."

Roger nods as he taps his own earpiece. "I've got your dad right here, Ariel, to direct the battle. But mostly we just need you to...take 'em out, in whatever way works for you. We're here for guidance and for cover. But...whenever you're ready, kid."

"Oh," I say, my eyes going wide. Because...I just...go? I think I was expecting more preamble than that. I glance up at Jackson, anxious, and he takes my hand, looking steadily down into my eyes.

The power begins to flow between us, itself a powerful encouragement, making me feel full of energy and ready to blaze.

"You ready, baby?" I whisper.

His face bursts into a smile at the pet name - the first I ever called him, the one I think he likes the most, though he'd hate it if others knew it.

And I watch as he physically restrains himself from leaning down to kiss


and I exhale a

forward and

and my horror for both Jesse and Daphne. I tuck it all

a girl's got to start

catch on a plane soaring high above the Atalaxian forces, heading right for our troops, probably to drop

I start there?" I murmur to


a moment before the plane bursts into flames above

joy is short-lived as I begin to I concentrate, pulling on Luca's sputtering wind and Jackson's raw power to grow the fire in the air even

in the sky above the Atalaxian troops. Even as I miss Jesse and

magnifiere is something

about the bright

moment, not destroying anything else, just... letting the conflagration hang in the air, a

here now. And their time is short, because the fire is coming and I'm going to burn them

can dedicate to a message. And

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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