Chapter 18


The last place I expected to be was back in the boss‘ office. He was pouring himself a cup of coffee, humming a small tune as he did so.

I sat quietly in my chair, my hands folded on my lap, as he headed back to his seat and took a long sip. He hadn’t mentioned what the meeting was for specifically, but I had an inkling that it was about what happened with Jasper.

With his free hand, he drummed his fingers on the desk and gave me a long stare.

I cleared my throat. “You wanted to see me, boss?”


“Yes, Evie.” He set down his mug and sat back in his chair. “It’s about what occurred the other day.”

“Oh, no.” I shifted in my seat. “I can explain. Timothy was-”

“-Is,” he cut me off, his eyes narrowing, “Still in business with you, correct?”

I wiped my sweaty palms on the sides of my skirt. “Y–Yes, sir.”

“Good.” He stood up and took another sip of his coffee. “And I’d prefer if you kept him on. I have an assignment for you, Miss Evie. One that could decide the future. of your career.”

“I don’t think that’d be necessary, sir,” I said weakly.

The boss went on anyway, “I want you to get as much dirt as possible on Timothy. I want you to learn about his hobbies, all the interviews he’s ever had, even down to what kind of drink he prefers. Then when you’ve done that, find a way to entertain him!”

I was growing increasingly angsty as he revealed his scheme. This meant total proximity to Timothy, even down to tracking his every move throughout the years. The boss clearly didn’t realize what kind of history we already had, but he was asking me to do the very thing I was trying to avoid.

“And if you’re hospitable enough, he might end up becoming a public success. story for the firm,” the boss said proudly. “Do you understand?”


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Wed, 20 MBI

Chapter 18

The influx of information was making me nauseous. Asking me to study Timothy’s personal life was one thing, but having to cater to him for the good of the company was another. As was as if the universe was holding a personal vendetta against me.

slightly winded.

started walking toward the door. He swung it open and gestured for her to exit through it. “Get right on it, Evie.

realized how much I was sweating until the cool air from the ceiling fan hit my neck. I returned to my desk and opened my laptop, ready to

you for this time?” A coworker of mine, Paulette, came and stood beside me, pressing her hand on my shoulder. “I heard

to entertain Timothy, basically as an apology

he’d stoop that low. Just groveling

over his

a skeptical out of me yet again.

I show Timothy a fun

bring the

screen. “I always knew he was

covering her grin with her hand. “Keep it down, will ya? He’s right

was like a sweet relief more than something

of them settled down, I turned back to


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weu, 20 Mar

Chapter 18


had several of them, and plenty of fan–made accounts as well.

visits and interviews with dedicated fans. He had a smile on through it all. Those smiles, mostly meant

ago. He had basically been on his way up since

his fans were just as clueless on

that a few answers. would pop up on the matter. Instead, I saw something more

one video, the interviewer asked him a more personal question. The man asked

hiking enthusiast and that he often went on extreme trails by himself. This was big news for the boss, but I couldn’t help the sinking feeling in my stomach

It was best not to keep the boss

boss‘ door and knocked lightly.

likes hiking,” I said. “I saw that he’s been on a few

boss smiled wide. “Brilliant!


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20 Mar RS

Chapter 18

the entrance. She lifted her head and waited for his

then turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. “You get that

along with them. “But would he really feel up to a hiking trip right now? I

time to distract him!” the boss cheered, clapping his hands. He pointed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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