Chapter 37

His warm breath fanned across her face, his breathing gradually turning ragged. His large hand began to wander over her body once again. Natalia tried to push him away, but he furrowed his brows, “Stop resisting. Let me kiss you.”

Natalia’s hand fell limply by her side. The man held her tight, the only sounds in the silent bedroom were the echoes of their breaths and the occasional suppressed moan.

Ten minutes later, Magnus lifted his hazy eyes, “My lady, I want you.”

Natalia was taken aback. She could feel the heat intensifying beneath her, so she quickly pushed him away, “No, it’s daytime, and I am not your wife.” Her emotions were a whirlwind. She was torn between appeasing him and keeping her distance. After all, her sister was his lawful wife. The realization that she was only a substitute sometimes made her feel heartbroken. She felt like she had no right to do what his wife was supposed to do. If she did, she would feel even more worthless and degraded.

Magnus gazed at her with hazy eyes, “You are my wife. We’ve done what husbands and wives do. Don’t ever say that you’re not my wife again. If you say it again, I’ll have to punish you.” His gaze darkened suddenly, and he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “My lady, don’t worry about anything else. Just stay by my side, as my wife. Leave the rest to me.”

His voice was low and husky, and sexy as hell to Natalia’s ears. Before she could react, she felt the wheelchair glide towards the bed. Her body was lifted into the air and thrown onto the bed. Magnus supported himself with his hands. Natalia’s vision went black, and the weight of Magnus‘ body pressed down onto hers.

She tried to sit up, her hands pushing against his burning chest, “Magnus, don’t.”

“My lady, don’t speak.” He suddenly said in a low voice, like a command.

Natalia stared at him in shock, expecting him to do something else. However, he bent down and kissed her, his large body trapping hers beneath him. His kiss was like a storm, assaulting her senses, leaving Natalia weak and helpless under his powerful onslaught.

Magnus took advantage of her weakness to strip her, claiming her as his own. He closed his eyes, suddenly thankful for her presence in his life. No matter what, he would never let her

leave him.

Half an hour later, fearing that the servants might knock on the door once again, Magnus made it quick. He lay satisfied on top of her, looking at her flushed face filled with desire, “My lady, did you enjoy it?”

Natalia hid her face in her pillow in embarrassment. This man was simply insufferable. Wasn’t he supposed to be unable to move his legs? Yet, he acted as if nothing was wrong, taking her again and again.

“Magnus, your legs…”


his lips brushing against her ear as he breathed gently. “I mean

burned alive. She tried to push him away. but he caught her hand, looking displeased, “Stop pushing. Let me

was going

complain about my weight just now. Why the sudden change of heart?” His thing was still inside her. Upon hearing her complain about his weight, he moved it intentionally, making Natalia wish she could disappear into a

even look at

of his hands, he sat up, put on a shirt, and wheeled himself into the


time Magnus came out, Natalia had already dressed and left the room. The sound of running water came from her bedroom as he wheeled

be hidden.

see Magnus laughing. It had been years since

table, Natalia kept her head down, eating her food. Suddenly, a shrimp found its way into her bowl. She looked up

trying to stifle their laughter. She gave Magnus an embarrassed glare before returning to her meal. Soon, a

eating. After she finished the chicken wing,

in her bowl. She frowned

as if he hadn’t noticed and kept eating.

had no choice but to force herself to finish the fish. Seeing Magnus reaching for

done Enjoy your meal” She got up and went to the living room, picked up the remote, and

up the food he had

France with Magnus Natalia was

buy anything else

stuffed items into her suitcase

and it saves money. You

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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