Chapter 80

For him, Natalia and the girl from his past both held a place in his heart. However, that girl eventually left him, while Natalia did not. So Magnus felt that he should cherish Natalia even more.

Back when his legs were broken, that girl wept with a heart–wrenching sorrow. He thought she would be his future. She had cared for him tenderly during that time, and he opened his heart to her. But three years later, when Magnus returned from France, that girl had lost patience and was no longer waiting for him. When Magnus came back, she had already left, and at that moment, it felt like a piece of his heart had been torn away. He tasted the bitterness of abandonment again. From that point on, he despised women and focused all his energy on revenge.

That woman was Isabella, Magnus first love.

Now, when he thought of her, there was no turbulence in his heart. He had even forgotten what she looked like. But the girl in front of him, he absolutely wouldn’t allow her to leave him. He couldn’t bear another abandonment

As he thought this, Magnus leaned in once more to kiss Natalia. All he wanted was to kiss her and claim her. To have her squirming beneath him, to savor her tenderness and innocence

He had never gone that far with Isabella, so he didn’t know how addictive sex could be after sleeping with Natalia.

in your heart” Magnus was surprisingly certain

could argue, he lowered his head to kiss her deeply. Natalia quickly pushed against his chest, her face flushed, “Stop it, if you’re not going to work, let’s return to the

it again, she wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. So

how much you’ve learned Magnus laughed and gently stroked her nose with an indulgent tone.

a bit,

her previous simple muscle massages, Natalia’s technique was

made Magnus want to move his legs. But to prevent Natalia from discovering he could stand, he had to grit

on the special massage blanket. “Are you sure you can’t feel anything?” she asked. Seeing Magnus strong, muscular legs, it seemed impossible that he

they usually involved patients with some degree of muscle atrophy in their legs. But the muscles in Magnus legs looked well–developed,

quickly denied it. “If I could stand, would I be

me. Even if you can’t stand, you’re not useless. You’re the

in her heart, she felt grateful for him because he was the only one who didn’t blame her for being a substitute and had protected her so well. He also didn’t make things difficult for

The last time she visited the Andersen family mansion, she had seen Lucius. He was indeed mean to Magnus, and she understood why Magnus wanted to compete with Lucius for Kendra’s affection.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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