Chapter 90

If it wasn’t for her listening to Kyler and allowing this little brat to live in their home, she would have starved to death in some corner a long time ago.

And now? She had raised this ungrateful child, only for her to betray her and hurt Kendra, leaving Kendra physically and emotionally scarred. Unforgivable! Natalia was taken aback when Addison’s first reaction upon seeing her was to take a swing at her.

Since she married into the Andersen family as Kendra’s substitute, Addison had never once asked if she was doing well. Natalia understood this. After all, Addison was her stepmother and it was only natural for her not to care about her, even hate her Natalia never resented Addison for this. But she also said that by marrying as Kendra’s substitute, she repaid the debt of gratitude she owed the Clarkson family for raising her

For Kendra and Addison to follow her to Maplewood Manor to bully her was really crossing the line

Addison was astonished by Natalia’s newfound courage since marrying Magnus She glared at Natalia, eyes bulging in anger, and spat, “You’ve got some nerve, don’t you? Have you forgotten you place? Just because Kyler and some floozy had you, you think you can stand up to me?”

is Maplewood Manor, Magnus‘ home, not the Clarkson’s. As you

survive in the Clarkson family, Natalia had to swallow her pride. But now, she was no longer

Magnus is powerful, you think he’ll divorce Kendra and marry you, a bastard? I

werent for Natalia, her daughter Kendra wouldn’t be in such a pitiful state Addison was seething with hatred for Natalia, longing to tear her apart However, ever since Natalia married into the Andersen family, she seemed to have changed. She was calm and collected, a far cry from her previous docile self

Addison sneered, thinking that all the obedience Natalia showed in front of them in the past was

calm, felt her eyes well up with tears. Yes, I’m not worthy of the Andersen family.

and I don’t care about the position of being his wife. If you want something, go talk to Magnus. After all, you were the one who insisted on me marrying Magnus. And it’s not my fault for being a

was tired of being bullied. Even though she was born out of wedlock, did she have a

her life before the age of five, but she believed her mother wasn’t the

with them. But they pushed her too far, repeatedly coming to Maplewood Manor to bully her, with Kendra even attempting to take her life. Even Natalia was a fool, she would know there was no point in

caught sight of Natalias

Kendra had slapped her, and Magnus had his men beat Kendra to a pulp before sending her home. Slowly Addison

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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