in “LLITI say it, I say it, it wasn’t me. Natalia was

Chapter 135

“It was all Isabella’s doing. She deliberately allowed Natalia to see you two acting intimate, causing her to misunderstand that you and Isabella were rekindling an old flame. I have nothing to do with it.”

The woman was really quite dim. A simple scare and she spilled everything. But given Magnus‘ temper, he might actually harm her.

After hearing Kendra’s words, Magnus realized how out of line he had been these past few days.

He was already married, with such a beautiful and lovely wife, yet he still found himself wondering why Isabella had left him years ago. He had been so distant with Natalia these past few days because of that woman He was a fool! How could he let one woman disrupt his peace of mind.

He could no longer bear it and immediately turned to knock on Lexis door.

Hearing the knock, Lexi knew that Magnus hadn’t left if he had, that would have been strange.

“What do you want now? Natalia is staying the night here She’ll go back tomorrow. Lexi confronted the sullen man

“No.” Magnus strode into the bedroom, seeing the girl on the bed

He uncovered the blanket, picked up Natalia and said, “Honey, let’s go home.”

Natalia, who was attempting to sleep due to discomfort, was suddenly lifted into the air. “Magnus, let me go” Natalia started to struggle as soon as she realized what was happening

“Be good, honey. We can talk about everything when we get home The man picked up the girl without any further explanation, and walked out of Lexis house

Tears rolled down Natalia’s cheeks uncontrollably. She remembered how he had held another woman just now ‘Put me down, I can walk by myself she struggled

Magnus didn’t say a word. He held the girl and walked towards the car. He opened the car door, put her in, went to the driver’s seat, started the car and drove away.

Kendra watched helplessly as the man walked away, holding Natalia, her teeth pressing hard against her lip

the bedroom and placed her

break free from his hold, turned to ignore him, but the man forcefully turned her around, “Honey,

the girl, lowered his head to kiss her lips, wanting her

me to Sapphire Island and took care of me for six months. I thought we would end up together, but

I told her I was married and have a wife whom I love very much. She agreed that we would only be friends from now on Honey, in my heart,

girl’s face. Her face was pale, she must have thought that he didn’t

were full of tears, Magnus, if one day you don’t want me anymore, just tell me directly. Don’t lie to me, and don’t hurt me Because she would rather face the cruel truth than his beautiful hes

not want you? I told you, I am your family and

lips tenderly. He wished he could carve her into his bones. This

kiss, felt hurt beyond words but

kissed senselessly, she was exhausted and closed her eyes to sleep

got up and went into the bathroom to fix

her made him want her again. Seeing her sleep

of the bathroom, took one look at the girl on the bed, and went downstairs to prepare

Magnus went upstairs to call Natalia for lunch, only to find

was wrong and touched Natalia’s forehead it was hot.

immediately had Linden call

came and examined Natalia, he said, ‘Mr. Magnus, your wife is suffering from stress–induced fever and a bit

up and prescribe it

left it on the table and gave a few instructions on the

water and looked at the girl with her eyes lightly shut. Honey, take your

I don’t want to take the medicine i

the medicine, mixed it with water, took a sip and kissed her lips. He slowly fed the medicine to the girl Natalia, unable to breathe, was forced to swallow the medicine in her mouth it was so bitter that

to the girl, then stood up went to the bathroom and

eturn to normal, and Magnus became worned He went into the bathroom, washed the towel in cold water, and came back to

Chapter 135

between the bedroom and the bathroom

that Nataltas temperature finally returned to normal Magnus heart, which had been in his throat, finally

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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